My Gorgeous Witchy (W.M)

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Requested by ajbtch
Wanda GiP
Smut warning 

Wandas pov

After the incident in westview I had moved myself to an isolated cabin in the middle of nowhere. I didn't want to hurt anyone again. I hated all of the pain and grief I have cause all of those innocent people. I was grieving and lost control and made myself a life that I had always wanted with vision. But then I needed to learn more about my powers and the darkhold.

After 2 years in isolation away from civilization, I decided that it was time to move. I hated being alone, as much as I didn't want to put anyone else in danger I needed to meet new people. I had lost the only family I knew and I know that they would've wanted me to move on. So that's what I'm going to do.

I moved to Scotland. When I was there with vision we both wanted to start a life together there but maybe I could do that for the both of us. I decided after I had unpacked my bag I was going to explore for a little while. When I locked my door I saw someone walk up to the door next door.

"Oh hey, you must be new here. Im Y/N I guess I'm your neighbour." She said with a bright smile that made everyone want to smile with her.

"Hi yes I just moved her, I'm Wanda." I said as I returned her smile.

"Well I would shake your hand but I feel like my arms are about to drop off with these bags. Maybe if you would like I could show you around?" She said as she unlocked her door.

"Yeah that would be amazing." I said softly as we said our goodbyes. It felt nice to not be recognised as apart of the avengers that went mental and took over a whole town. She seems to actually want to get to know me. As I was walking through the streets I came across a coffee shop. I went in and ordered a coffee and sat down at a table. I could hear the scarlet witch in my head saying that I needed to get closer to that woman from earlier. Don't get me wrong, she is attractive and kind. I just dont think I'm ready to be in a relationship just yet. I get that vision died almost 6 years ago but for me it was only weeks ago.

Once I had finished I decided to go home and cook some paprikash. I could hear some music from the apartment next door. Once I had the pan simmering I couldn't really control my movements. I found myself knocking on the door and before I could turn away and hide she answered.

I'm sorry, am I playing too loud. I'll try to be more quiet." She said frantically making me giggle.

"No, I was amazing actually. I came here to ask if you wanted to join me for dinner. I've made too much and I can't eat it all on my own." I said hoping she would say yes.

"Yes I would love to. Just let me get my keys." She said as she got her keys and phone. She locked up and followed me into my apartment. "So how are you liking it here?"

"It's really nice. I visited a few years ago and wanted to live here then and the people are amazing and kind." I said as I stirred the pot. We had a nice evening together getting to know eachother. She told me a lot of her past and she already knew who I was and she didn't care about that. She said that she wanted to know me and not the ex avenger. I was very happy with how it is going living here in a new place. She makes me feel like I can be myself. But I can feel the scarlet witch at the back of my mind.

We both went on many dates together, I told her I was intersex and she didn't run. She just smiled softly and pulled me in for a hug. She embraced me for being different to everyone. She loved that I was unique. I can feel that the scarlet witch has already grown an attachment to her. I'm drawn to her like crazy. I want to spend every moment I can with her. I've never felt this way with anyone, not even vision. Don't get me wrong I loved vision wholeheartedly, he was there for my when I needed someone to help me through losing pietro. He helped me see that there was light at the end, you just have to push past the darkness to get there. And he helped guide me through. He made sure that I didn't lose myself in my grief and when he was gone I made peace with dying after thanos snapped. It just hurt me more when we returned that I had even lost Natasha, she was like the older sister that I never had. She gave her life to save the universe and she didn't even get the recognition that Tony did. She sacrificed herself to bring everyone back and no one gave a damn about her. I have met with her sister and helped talk her out of killing Clint and we've stayed on contact with eachother. She's like another sister to me.

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