Pregnancy (E.O)

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Requested by @marvel_fan_2226
Slight smut, reader GiP

Y/N pov

I woke up this morning to the sound of my wife throwing up. I quickly ran into the bathroom to hold her hair and rub her back.

"Are you OK love?" I asked her softly

"Oh yeah I'm peachy." She said sarcastically.

"Ok then. Do you want some water or breakfast." I asked her quietly since she's been kinda unpredictable with mood swings. I thinks shes due to start her period anyways so I just let it slide because she's also busy with work.

"Yes please." She said as she started to brush her teeth. I went down to the kitchen and decided to do a full English for us both. I put the kettle on for her tea while making myself a coffee. As I was concentrated on my task at hand, I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist.

"Are you feeling better my love?" I asked as I cooked the bacon.

"Mmh." She hummed in my back until her grip loosened around me. "I'm going to..." She didn't get to finish her sentence before running of to the downstairs bathroom. I turned off the stove and grabbed a bottle of water before heading to the bathroom. I found her sat up against the wall.

"Here you go my love." I said as I handed her the water as I checked her temperature. "You don't have a temperature. How long have you been feeling sick love?"

"I don't know a few days I guess." She said with a shrug. She stood up and went to the kitchen and chucked the food I already cooked away.

"What did you do that for?" I asked her shocked.

"It was making me feel sick just the smell of it. Now can you take the trash out." She said as I just stared at her with disbelief.

"Well let me get some cereal first love." I said as I started to make my way towards the cupboard.

"No please do it now. Its stinking up the place." She said sternly. I quickly grabbed my phone and decided to phone Scarlett nor knowing what's going on with lizzie.

Scar: what do you want Y/N

Me: I need help Scar. Lizzies gone mental.

Scar: what do you mean.

Me: well she was throwing up this morning and when I asked if she was OK she was rude. Then I was cooking a nice full English for us both and she threw up again and then went back to the kitchen and threw all of the food I had cooked away and demanded I take the trash out.

Scar: ok Well that's definitely not like her.

Me: Scar she threw away my bacon. Bacon Scar.

Scar: fuck the bacon.

Me: arrgh, I can't believe were friends if you talk about bacon like that.

Scar: it sounds like she could be pregnant.

Me: thats ridiculous, she's on the pill.

Scar: ok let's get real for a minute, you were away working for what 6 months. She had no reason to be on the pill with you being gone, and you only came home a few weeks ago.

Me: ok thanks scar, I'll get her a test.

Scar: good, keep me posted.

With that we ended the call while I remembered the night I came home.


I walked through the door and didn't get chance to take off my jacket before lizzie came running and jumping in my arms. She pulled me in for a passionate kiss before we pulled away.

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