I Will Never Be Him Part 2 (E.O)

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Since all of you guys requested it

Y/N pov

I had to stand by and watch the woman who has had my heart marry a man who doesn't deserve her. I still work as her stylist and we are like best friends, but that still doesn't help these feelings that I have for a woman who doesn't see me the same.

I was helping her get ready for the red carpet for Doctor Strange MOM. Robbie was no where to be seen. He hadn't really accompanied her to her major events and shown her much support and I really hate him for that.

"Are you ready for the biggest movie of your career Liz?" I asked her with a wide smile.

"Yeah I am. I just wish that Robbie was here with me." She said sadly.

"Well I tell you what. After the premiere and interviews and stuff. We can celebrate just the two of us. We can go out and get hammered or we can stay in and watch your favourite shows and order pizza." I told her softly.

"Yeah, that sounds nice actually. I'm really happy that I met you Y/N." She said softly as she stood up.

"You look beautiful Liz." I complimented her.

"Thank you." She said as she gave me a soft smile before she pressed a kiss to my cheek. I could feel my cheeks heat up as she walked out of the room to go to the event.

It's safe to say that my feelings for her have only grown in the time that I have known her. I've also had a couple of relationships but they haven't lasted as long as the one I'm in now. I've been with Emma for a few months now. It's the longest relationship I've been in.

After the event I noticed that Robbie finally decided to show up and the smile on Lizzie's face was to die for.

"Hey Y/N." Robbie greeted me with a smirk.

"Hey." I replied as I stood there uneasy. "Well I'm gonna head home so I'll see you soon." I said as I gathered my things.

"You should come for dinner one night. You should bring whats her name?" Robbie said with a smirk but I'm sure that I saw something else in his eyes.

"Its Emma, and yeah just let us know when." I said before I left. I got in my car and drove home.

Lizzie's pov

I stood there and watched as Y/N left as quick as she could before I turned to Robbie.

"I'm so proud of you baby." He said as he gave me a soft kiss which he soon deepened.

"Why are you here now? I thought you had to work late?" I asked him as I pushed him away.

"Because I wanted to be here to see you on your big night." He smirked as he played with the hem off my dress hiking it up.

"Tell me the truth." I said as I removed his hands from me.

"That is the truth baby." He said as he tried again.

"Robbie, I'm not in the mood." I told him sternly.

"Oh come on. I need you." He said as he gripped my wrists harshly.

"I said no." I said as I got out of his hold before I made my way to our room.

"Why not?" He asked me angrily.

"Because I don't want to Robbie. Just please let me get ready for sleep." I told him.

"This is because of her right?" He shouted at me.

"No it's not. It's because I am not in the mood and I'm tired." I told him as I took off my heels as I sat at the edge of the bed. Once they were off and I was about to get up he pushed me down on the bed.

Elizabeth Olsen/Wanda Maximoff One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now