Random Thoughts (E.O)

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Lizzie's pov

We were having a movie night with the girls and talking about our different projects when I noticed that Y/N was spaced out. I tapped her thigh to try and get her attention.

"Are you ok?" I asked her as she looked at me confused.

"Don't you think that the english language can be confusing sometimes?" She asked me genuinely confused. All of the girls had moved their attention to Y/N. "It's like there is so many different ways of spelling one single word and it has different meanings."

"What the hell was in that beer?" Scar asked with a smirk.

"No seriously, it's like there's so many ways to say a word wrong but it can sound right at the same time." She continued ignoring Scarlett's remark.
"It's like you have blown, why isn't it blowed when it sounds right."

"I think you might be drunk?" Aubrey laughed with Scar.

"No I'm not drunk. It's just genuine curiosity." She said as she started to fiddle with her fingers. "It's just so confusing. Its like the plurals as well. Geese is the plural for goose so why isn't it gooses. Just like when we get goosebumps when its cold, why is it called goosebumps and not people bumps." I tried so hard tp fight back my laughs at her. "It's the same with sheep, the plural is sheep and not sheeps. Why is that?"

"I understand that one. That is confusing as shit." Flo said as she was genuinely interested in what random thought's Y/N was talking about.

"Thank you. At least someone understands my mind." Y/N said dramatically.

"No but seriously Y/N how much have you had to drink?" Aubrey asked her.

"Just this one." She replied with furrowed brows. "Why?" Then it clicked.

"Did you take your medication?" I asked her and she thought for a while.

"Oh for fuck sake. I forgot." She said frustrated. Everyone went back to watching the movie that was playing before Y/N gasped. "Why isn't fish food called fishkits. It makes more sense. Biscuits for fish." She said making us all laugh. "I'm being serious guys. I could be a millionaire."

"You already are a millionaire." I told her in between giggles.

"I'm tired." She mumbled as she lay her head on my lap.

"Why don't you go to bed." I told her softly as I ran my fingers through her hair

"I don't wanna." She pouted as she looked up at me with puppy eyes.

"Ok then. You go to sleep here." I told her softly smiling down at her soft features. We all watched the rest of the movie in silence as my precious Y/N slept in my lap.

"Loove you Lizabeth." Y/N mumbled as she tightened her grip around my waist.

"Love you too Y/N." I whispered as I kissed her head before continuing the movie with the girls.

A nice little fluffy one for you guys just to brighten your day.


What is it that you love to collect besides funko pops?

Mine is pokemon cards or lego. I may have a slight obsession with it all

Elizabeth Olsen/Wanda Maximoff One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now