You Are Annoying (W.M)

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Requested by aloneodi

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Smut warning

Wanda pov

I could hear my brother and Y/N from down the hall as they played on their xbox together. Y/N and I don't get on at all. I find them obnoxious and I just can't stand him but he is my brothers best friend so I have to tolerate him for the sake of the team. I know as well that he doesn't like me either because he will always go out of his way to piss me off. Well just him breathing is enough to piss me off but there isn't anything that I can do about it really. They both came back from their mission yesterday and they both bragged about the success for almost five hours until Nat decided to shut them up. My brother seems to have a thing for her so he will just do everything she says like a lost puppy and that is annoying. Y/N just doesn't listen to anyone even on missions he tries to out do everyone. He reminds of Tony Stark before he became Iron Man. I was trying my hardest to read when I heard them both yell louder at their game. I decided to get up and ask them to be quiet. I made my way to the communal area on our floor which Y/N, Pietro and I share but I don't use the communal area because I try my hardest to avoid Y/N as much as possible.

"Do you both mind keeping it down?" I asked them both nicely.

"Whatever." Y/N spoke without even glancing at me while Pietro ignored me. "OH COME ON MAN!!" Y/N shouted at the tv.

"Can you please be quiet I am trying to read and I can't concentrate when all I can hear is both of you yelling nonsense." I told them both angrily as I stood in front of them.

"I didn't know you could read Red?" Y/N teased me making me flip him off as Pietro chuckled.

"At least I know what a book is you mindless neandrethol." I told him through gritted teeth.

"I have a brain I have you know." He said as he stood up with an angry look in his eyes.

"Come on you two. Can't you both just get along. You're my sister and my best friend. The two most important people in my life." Pietro pleaded with the two of us.

"No man, I'm sorry but she hates me and I quite frankly am not a fan of Red." Y/N told him sadly as Pietro just shook his head.

"Well at least he got something right." I spoke sarcastically as I clapped my hands in fake cheer before Pietro walked away to his room from our bickering.

"Seriously Wanda, we were having fun before you decided to come and ruin it as usual." He huffed at me as he threw the controller on the sofa.

"You know sometimes I wish we had never rescued you from that lab two years ago." I told him hastily. I saw the hurt in his eyes as I spoke those words. He just nodded without a remark or anything before he walked away to his room. I instantly regretted what I said and before I could apologise for it he was gone. I know the grief and torture he went when he was with Hydra because Pietro and I went through the same thing. I silently walked to my own room and started to think of ways to apologise to him.

The next morning was quiet, I walked into the kitchen after doing my morning routine to find Y/N and the rest of the team. I walked up to Y/N in hopes to apologise to him.

"Hey the witch bitch decides to leave her lair." He smirked at me malice in his eyes causing everyone to laugh in my direction.

"I was going to apologise but now you can forget it you egotistical jerk." I told him through gritted teeth as he just smirked at me.

"Of course you were." He said sarcastically as everyone watched the two of us bicker back and forth.

"STOP IT NOW BOTH OF YOU!!!" Steve shouted as he caused us both to snap our heads in his direction. "My office now." He spoke sternly as he led the way. Once the door was closed he turned towards us both with a stern look on his face. "Everyone here is sick of your bickering. You are acting like children, you're 23 for crying out loud."

Elizabeth Olsen/Wanda Maximoff One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now