Let Me Make It Up To You (E.O)

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Y/N pov

Lizzie and I have been dating since the start of college. We met during acting class and just one look in her gorgeous green eyes I fell for her. I was training ready for the swim meet since I have been a competitive swimmer since my dad taught me when i was 4. My dad was a professional swimmer and he was a bronze medalist. He passed away when I was in my sophmore year of high school so I kept on swimming for him. Its the way of feeling closer to him. Once I had finished my laps my girlfriend was sat at the edge of the pool waiting for me.

"Hey baby." She said with a soft smile making her eyes sparkle.

"Hey." I said as I pulled myself out of the pool.

"My friends are having a party tonight if you want to come with me?" She asked me with doe eyes.

"Of course." I told her as I gave her a soft kiss when I realised that we were alone. She hasnt really told anyone about her sexuality yet and I dont want to pressure her into anything that makes her uncomfortable. We've already been intimate together and it is amazing as always and she knows about me being intersex and she didnt care.

"Ok, so I'll meet you at 7 outside of the dorms." She told me with an excited squeal. I walked her back to her apartment before making my way back to my dorm. I decided to wear a white tshirt with stonewashed blue jeans with my black converse before i realised the time. When I was outside I smiled and gawked at my girl who wore a low cut black shirt with a red leather skirt and black boots.

"You look beautiful love." I told her as we walked side by side.

"Thank you." She blushed as she walked beside me. Our hands occasionally brushing against each other. Once we where at the party which was in full swing with people drinking a mixture of beverages. Some were playing drinking games and dancing closely. We both walked in and got a drink before we went and greeted some of our classmates who all think that Lizzie and I are best friends.

"Im going to get another drink." Lizzie said as she walked over to the table with all of the drinks on it.

"So youve got your big competition coming up soon?" One of our friends asked me as i waited for Lizzie to return.

"Yeah its this saturday. Im really nervous but excited if that makes sense." I told them honestly as they nodded in understanding.

"You'll do great. Ive seen you and youre amazing." They said making me smile. I looked around for Lizzie and spotted her talking to some guy and he was putting his arm around her waist and whispering something in her ear making her laugh. I could feel my blood boiling at the sight of someone else touching her and she wasnt even pushing him away. Then he pulled her to the dancefloor. I decided that I had had enough of being here when I only came here for her so I decided to finish my drink before leaving. As I was walking back I couldn't get rid of the images of her with him so close and touchy. I was angry at her. I understand that she didnt want anyone to know about us but to let him do that in front of me was just wrong on so many levels.

Lizzies pov

I was dancing with some guy from our acting class before I went to get another drink. I looked around for Y/N but I couldn't see her.

"Hey, where did Y/N go?" I asked our group of friends that she was stood with earlier.

"She said she was tired and left." One of them told me. I nodded before walking outside and tried to ring her. It kept going to voicemail so I decided to leave her a message.

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