Choose (E.O)

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Requested by DestinySasser

Lizzie's pov

We're all out celebrating the new cast members joining the avengers, and I have had the biggest crush on Y/N Y/L/N ever since I first saw her act in Supernatural. She was only in it for one season but still that one season was the one to make me fall for her. I want to ask her out but I'm just too nervous so I'm sat in the corner watching her talk with the guys.

"You're staring." Scar stated as she stood beside me.

"What do you mean." I asked her confused.

"You like her don't you?" She asked me with a smirk while I just had a blank look on my face while i lightly blushed. "I can see why. She's hot." She stated as she kept her eyes on Y/N.

"Well obviously. But she's just not that, she's so much more." I said as I watched Y/N. "I would ask her out but I'm just too scared." I told her honestly as I looked down at my hands.

"Well I think I might ask her out if you won't." She said as she stood up. I watched as she walked up to her with her hands placed on Y/Ns forearm. I watched as they both talked and laughed. I felt this unfamiliar feeling in my stomach as I watched them interact. I think I might need some courage to ask her out.

"Hey are you OK Lizzie?" Paul asked me softly.

"I'm OK." I told him sadly as I kept my gaze on the two of them.

"Come on Liz, you can talk to me about anything." He said as he brought me into a side hug.

"Well Scar knows how I feel about someone and she feels the same way about them and now she's shooting her shot and I've missed out." I said sadly.

"Let me guess, is that someone Y/N?" He said softly.

"Yes, I really really like her but I'm just so scared of my feelings and asking her out." I told him quietly as I looked at him which he gave me a soft smile.

"Well that's feelings for you. They are scary but that's what gives life a purpose. You can't just live cautiously because that just isn't living. You need to go after the things or people that you want, you need adventure and excitement. And yes all of its scary but that's the beauty of it. You never know she might feel the same way about you." He said with a bright smile which i had nodded. He is right. I really need to pull up my big girl pants and go over there and ask her out. I need to do something that excites me. So I finished my drink as I stood up and marched my way over to Y/N and Scarlett.

"Hey Lizzie, how are you?" She asked me with a wide smile.

"I'm great thank you Y/N but I wanted to ask if you would like to go out with me sometime just the two of us." I asked her. I honestly don't know where this confidence came from but in owning it.

"Yeah I would love to." She said with a wide smile while Scar scowled in the corner of my eye.

"Well I'll message you." I told her before I walked away as I winked at her smiling at her flushed state. I walked back over to Paul who had watched the whole interaction.

"So?" He asked with a smile.

"She said yes." I said with a wide smile.

"I knew she would. I even saw Scarlett's eyes never leaving you. If looks could kill you'd be dead." He said with a smirk making me chuckle.

Today was the day of our little date. I decided that I would cook some spicy chicken and rice for us both and to watch a movie. I wasn't one for the big fancy restaurants because I liked my dates to be simple, and that consisted of a nice home cooked meal and snuggled up on the sofa watching movies. I was wearing a nice green dress waiting for her to come at any moment now. Just as I put the meal on the oven to keep warm the doorbell rang. I answered it for her to see her in a grey shirt and black slacks holding a bouquet of yellow daisies.

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