Scarlet Witch (W.M)

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Requested by JamesNWKB84

Wanda's pov

It'd been a few months since thanos. Since Y/N snapped and went into her coma. (P.s Tony's still alive and so is Nat. It was Clint who went splat 😄🙃)
I went to westview after S.W.O.R.D took Y/N. Apparently they were going to help her but they lied. All they wanted her for was testing and experimenting. She had enough of that before she joined the avengers and that's what she gets for saving the planet. I tried to get her back but they wouldn't let me. If I wasn't out numbered I would've got her out but I couldn't. I went to Westview to the lot where we were going to build our home. Then the whole Agatha thing happened and then finding out about being the scarlet witch. It was a lot. Nat and Tony came to help me out after the whole hex thing. Monica allowed Y/N to come back home so I decided to bring her with me to my cabin in the woods. (Oooh horror vibes)

I studied the darkhold and my powers as the scarlet witch as I waited for Y/N to wake up. The one time I left Y/N to get some air. I really missed them so much, I missed the life we had together in the hex. I needed her with me. Without her I have no one. I just can't live without her.

No ones pov

The scarlet witch had made their way into Y/Ns room to use her magic to give Y/N the final push to wake up. She knew that while Y/N was in a coma Wanda would never reach her full potential as the scarlet witch. She needed her to be powerful so she did what she had to do.

Wanda's pov

When I decided to go back inside to check on Y/N I was in shock at what i saw. I couldn't believe it. My Y/N was awake. I ran upto her and gave her a soft passionate kiss pouring every single emotion into it.

"Oh my god I missed you so much." I told her as I rested my head on hers as tears fell down my face. "Please don't ever leave me."

"I would never leave you wands." She said with that smile i have missed so much. I kissed her again and helped her up out of bed. I gave her a tour not like the was much of one. I told her everything that happened after she snapped while she was in a coma.
I was just so happy to have the love of my life back in my arms.

Y/N pov

It's been a couple of months since I've been awake. I was happy to have Wanda back in my arms. The five years she was gone I hated. I wanted so much to just give up but it was Nat who helped me through. Then when Scott came up with the time heist and tony perfected the time machine. They gave me the hope that I had lost. So I done the snap for all those who lost their lives in the blip. I did it for Wanda because I don't think I could go through losing her again.

I was walking through the cabin past the room that Wanda had always told me not to go in and I was intrigued to know what was in there. So I decided that I would look. I opened the door slowly and I was shocked at what i saw. I saw wanda floating in the air reading an old book. Her eyes were completely red and she wore a new suit. I was soon broken out of my trance when Wanda had dragged me out and pushed me against the wall.

"I told you to never go in there." She growled.

"Why? What is that thing Wanda if you're here." I asked her as I pushed her off me. "You're supposed to be my wife, we don't keep secrets from eachother." I raised my voice.

"I uh." She stuttered trying to find the words.

"Well, what is that thing?" I asked her as I pointed to the door.

"That is an astral projection of the scarlet witch." She told me quietly.

"The scarlet witch?" I asked her.

"Yeah, I'm the scarlet witch. I only found our a few months ago. I have been studying my magic in the darkhold." She said as she looked down.

"So what does this mean wands?" I asked her quietly as I lifted her chin so she looked in my eyes.

"I uh I don't really know. All i know is that I am her and she is me." She said as she started to our room. I followed her.

"So, you're more powerful than you were 5 years ago." I asked her softly.

"Yes. I am. I came out here to the middle of nowhere to learn more about my powers so I didn't put anyone at risk." She said quietly.

"Have you learned to control them?" I asked her as I sat beside her.

"Not yet. I'm getting there but it's hard. It's like I have this bad feeling about using my full power. Like there's a darkness coming over me." She whispered as I took her hands in mine.

"Whenever you feel that happening, I will be here. But I think you need to put that book away." I told her softly as she nodded and pressed a soft kiss to my lips.

"I will baby." She said as she rested her forehead on mine.

"Now wheres that smile that I love so much." I asked as she gave me her goofy smile that is my favourite.

I hope you guys enjoyed this one.

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