Falling Into Place (E.O)

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Y/N pov

Lizzie and I grew up together. We lived on the same street and we were inseparable growing up. I was always the sporty one out of the two of us. I played basketball while she was on the volleyball team. We were best friends but we soon grew apart. Well when I say grew apart more like torn apart. I started to date one of the cheerleaders and started to spend most of my time with her and Lizzie hated that. Then she also started to date some guy and vice versa.

I was walking out of the locker room after practice to be stopped by Lizzie.

"Do you wanna go and get some food?" She asked nervously.

"I can't Liz. I'm meeting up with Vanessa." I told her guiltily. "Maybe we can do something soon."

"Yeah of course." She said as she deflated. I watched as she walked away. She tried to hide the disappointment but I could see straight through her. I honestly felt guilty. I walked  out to my car and saw Lizzie with her boyfriend getting into his car. I wondered why she asked me to go out with her when she already had plans. I got in my car and drove home. I texted Vanessa that I was tired and just wanted to sleep and that I would see her again soon. I lay in bed all night staring at the ceiling. I honestly felt like a dick and I needed to apologise to Lizzie. I snuck out of the house and walked over to Lizzies house. I started to throw small rocks at her window. I waved when I saw her look out of her window. It didn't take her long to come outside.

"What are you doing here?" She asked me slightly annoyed.

"I wanted to apologise about earlier. I feel like shit that I just blew you off as easy as that." I told her honestly.

"It's fine Y/N." She stated.

"No its not fine. We've been best friends for years and now that we have gotten partners we've drifted apart and I hate that. I miss you Lizzie. I miss hanging out with you." I told her honestly.

"I miss you too Y/N." She said as she pulled me into a hug.

That was just the start of our friendship falling apart. It got worse when we started to go on double dates with Vanessa and Lucas. Both Lizzie and I were none the wiser to what was  going on with them. It wasn't until I walked in on them as I went to Vanessa's after school. I found both of them naked in her bed. I quickly walked out before Vanessa could get off him. I wondered what he had that I didn't other than two beautiful girls on his arms. I stayed at home the rest of the week avoiding everyone and not going to school. I ignored every message or phone call that I had gotten off Lizzie. She didn't even know. I didn't even know that she had no idea what was happening behind our backs. When the next Monday morning came around. My dad made me get up and go to school. I didn't want to see anyone. I felt guilty for not saying anything to Lizzie.

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