The Thing You Love The Most (E.O)

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Requested by KlrkaLovsov

Y/N pov

I was currently on a interview in my office while lizzie was somewhere in the house. Probably either cooking or gardening.

"So Y/N, how has it been since you're last tour. Is there any new music on the horizon?" They asked me.

"Well it's been nice to just relax, as much as I love performing it does get tiring. But the best part is the fans make it all worthwhile. Also there may be some new music, who knows." I said as I shrugged my shoulders.

"Well, alot of the fans want to know who if you had the choice, would you collaborate with?" They asked.

"Well that's a tough one. If I had to pick it would definitely be my Idol. The one who just listening to her voice and the way she plays the piano, would have to say Amy Lee." I said with a smile. "So Amy if you're watching this, hit me up for collab."

"Well I'm sure that would be one hell of a performance. Two powerhouses on one stage would be a dream come true." They said.

"Yeah it definitely would be." I agreed.

"Well, what song do you wish you had written that isn't one of your own." They asked.

"Well that's a tough one. There's just so many good ones. But I would have to say House of the Rising Sun by The Animals. Its such a classic song, very dark for 60s rock. It was a song ahead of its time." I said as he nodded along.

"I can tell you love your classic rock music." They said with a smile.

"Oh yeah, it's my favourite style of music." I said excitedly.

"That's great, one more thing. Can you show us all the one thing you love the most." They asked me and I smiled.

"Yeah, I'll just have to go and get it. Just give me a minute." I said as I hurried out of my office.

Lizzie's pov

I was washing the fruit that I had picked from my garden. As I was concentrating on what I was doing, I screamed when Y/N threw me over her shoulder while she just laughed at me. She took us both to her office as she sat down and sat me on her lap.

"Well here is the thing I love the most." She said with a smirk making the interviewer laugh.

"I am not a thing." I said as I hit her shoulder.

"No of course youre not my love." She said as she kissed my cheek.

"You guys are so cute together. Honestly my favourite couple." They said with a smile.

"Yeah I guess we are." I said with a smirk.

"You guess?" She said with fake hurt making the interviewer and I laugh.

"Anyway. One last question Y/N. What's you're favourite thing about Lizzie?" They asked and it didn't even take her a moment to answer.

"Honestly she is the most sweetest and caring person you could ever meet. She cares about everyone, if there's someone there for her to help, she does it. No hesitation and for nothing in return. She's just the kindest soul you'll ever meet and I'm lucky that she chose to spend her life with me." She said with a soft smile as I watched how her eyes sparkled when she spoke about me.

"Well thank you Y/N and Lizzie of course. Hopefully get you back again soon." They said before the interview had finished.

"I love you." I said as I turned to face her as I looked in her eyes.

"I love you more." She said as she pressed a soft kiss to my lips.

I hope you guys enjoy this one. I know it's short and fluffy.

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