Rivals (E.O)

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Requested by wandas_bitch1206
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Y/N pov

I had dance today with the most annoying person ever. Ever since we both started dance when we were younger, we've always been competitive. We've both been in the same school since kindergarten and now where in our last year of college. I thought I wouldn't have to see her anymore but she came to the same college. But I would be lying if I didn't say i didn't think she was gorgeous, but damn she does make me feel things.

"Ok, I have a list of pairs and choreography styles that I want each pair to do. We need to be perfect ready for the winter showcase." Our instructor said as she started to read names off a piece of paper. "And the main performance Elizabeth Chase and Y/N Y/L/N. Your performance is a more intimate and I need you both to practice as much as humanly possible." She told us both while Elizabeth just glared at me while I rolled my eyes at her. This term couldn't get any worse.

"So do you want to come to my apartment after school to Practice?" I asked her as I avoided eye contact.

"Sure, I've nothing better to do anyway." She huffed out as we started to practice our routine. It wasn't the best start to our performance since the two of us are really stiff and well don't like each other. At the end of the lesson I gave her my address before I walked out of the dance studio. I just didn't want to stay in there any longer than I had to. When I was home I had jumped in the shower to get ready for the shit show that is about to happen. When i was ready, it wasn't too long until there was a knock on my door.

"Hi." She said bluntly.

"Well come on in, and let's get this show on the road, so you can go on the road." I said sarcastically earning an eye roll from the girl in front of me. I stepped aside to let her in.

"So I've got the music." She said as she pulled out her phone and speaker. I listened to the soft tone of the guitar before we both got into position.

"Come on Chase. You're dancing like you have to left feet." I told her resting my head on my forehead.

"Well you try dancing with a stuck up prick like you." She said with a scoff.

"Well I can show you one." I whispered in her ear. The next couple of weeks were unbearable. We always argued and all I wanted to do was rip her clothes off and rail her but I pushed those thoughts aside.

Lizzies pov

I'm on my way to Y/Ns apartment to rehearse our routine. For the past few weeks we've been at each others throats. It's just not going right. But I can't help the crush that i have had on her for years but I have been too scared to do anything about it. So now I was standing outside her door. I hesitated to knock but I did in the end. She opened the door and just stepped aside and let me in without a snarky comment which I found odd. I set my bag down on the sofa before I turned around to face her.

"So should we get started?" I asked her as I took my jacket off.

"Yeah sure." She said as she grabbed my hand and lead me over to the open space in her living room. She started the music and we started to warm up first. Once we were both ready we started our routine. I thought we were doing OK until she stopped her movements.

"You're too stiff." She said softly which surprised me.

"What?" I asked her confused.

"You're too stiff, you need to loosen up. Feel the music not hear it." She said as she grabbed my waist. I felt the butterflies in my stomach having a good old time in there. "Just trust the moves and trust your body." She said as she pulled me in flush against her. "Dont be afraid of the intimacy." She said as she started to roll both of our hips together. I started to feel wet at the sensual movements and how close we were. "See, you just have to let go of all negativity." She whispered softly in my ear. I could feel her bulge growing with every movement. She was enjoying this just as much as I was. I tried to stiffle a moan when she pushed herself more into me.

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