Use me (W.M)

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Requested by Wanda_Slut
Sub Wanda GiP x Dom reader
Smut warning ⚠️
Y/N pov

I came back from training really pissed off at my coach. I have been working my ass off to get back to normal since the accident. I've tried everything to get back to 100% but it's just not working. So I walked into my apartment that I share with my roommate Wanda. We've been roommates since forever, yeah I know she is fine as hell but she really has never shown much interest in me. I've beat people up for her who fucking insult her because she's intersex but I don't care. She's still an amazing person with a heart of gold. I soon found her in the kitchen cooking her parents famous paprikash for dinner.

"How was practice?" She asked sweetly as I walked over to the fridge to get a beer for us both.

"Shit. Coach is fucking up my ass because I'm still not back to my standards from before the accident. I've tried everything, the physiotherapy, extra training, everything and it's just not working." I told her running my hand through my hair in frustration.

"I'm sure you'll get back there. It will just take time." She said softly as she turned off the stove.

"That's all I've had is time Wanda and it's doing nothing for me. I can't keep doing this. Basketball is the only thing I'm good at. Other than that I'm NOTHING." I said as I through the empty bottle at the wall behind me making it shatter.

"I'm sure we can figure something out together." She said as she walked over to me.

"Like what? I don't know what to do." I sighed out.

"Use me." She said seductively.

"What?" I asked with a light blush covering my cheeks.

"Use me." She whispered in my ear as she nibbled on it. I grabbed her hands and pinned them either side of her body before pushing her up against the counter.

"I can do whatever I want to you?" I asked with a smirk while she nodded frantically. "I need words love." I said as I grazed my teeth along her neck.

"Yes please." She breathed out. I could already feel her already hard cock on my core making us both moan.

"This is going to be so much fun." I said before pulling her in for a bruising kiss. I licked her bottom lip asking for entrance which she denied. I then reached my hand and palmed her bulge making her gasp allowing me to slip my tongue in. I smirked into the kiss before we broke apart and rested my forehead on hers. "Bedroom. Strip. No touching yourself." I demanded as she quickly ran in her bedroom eagerly. I couldn't help the smug smile on my face. If I'd know she felt like this earlier, I would've had her fuck me earlier.

When I walked into her room I saw she was lying down on the bed already naked. Her soldier standing to attention. I walked over to her slowly stripping as she watched biting her bottom lip. I walked over to her closet and took out two of her scalfs and walked to her. I sat over her with my legs either side of her stomach as I reached over and tied her wrists together. I teased her as my breasts were in her face making her groan in anticipation. I made sure that she couldn't get out of them.

"You're not going to com until I say. Do you understand?" I told her as I kissed her neck and teased her tip with my clit making her moan.

"Yes mommy." She breathed out.

"You're going to make me cum." I said as I hovered my soaked core above her face. I slowly lowered my self down and held myself steady holding tightly on the headboard. I was moaning as her tongue worked frantically as I grinded on her face. "You're doing so well baby." I praised her making her moan sending vibrations through my core. I was a moaning mess as she brought me closer to the edge. "I'm going to cum baby, make me cum in that pretty mouth of yours." I moaned out as she plunged her tongue deep in my entrance hitting my g spot sending me over the edge. My legs spasmed as she cleaned up the last of my mess. I moved myself of her and kissed her roughly as she tugged on the ties around her wrists. I untied her as she kissed me hungrily, as soon as her hands were free she instantly flipped us both over.

"I want to make you feel good mommy. Can I?" She asked sweetly as she reached in her night stand for a condom before slipping it on.

"Yes you can. Please just fuck me." I moaned as I grabbed the back of her neck bringing her in for another rough kiss. We both moaned when she inserted herself into my already wet core. She started to move faster and harder as she bit down on my neck earning loud moans and curses from my mouth. She really did know how to make a woman feel good. It didn't take long for my second orgasm to take over as I came all down her cock.

"Please let me cum." She begged as she thrusted harder and faster than before hitting my g spot.

"You can cum with me baby." I breathed out as I kissed her roughly as we both hit our climax at the same time swallowing each others moans. She kissed me passionately one more time before pulling away.

"I've always wanted to do that since the first time you stuck up for me and punched that guy." She said with a soft smile.

"Same here, I just never knew you felt the same or we would've done this earlier." I said as I pecked her lips once more. I groaned as she pulled out. She cleaned us both up before I cuddled into her with my head on her chest, just taking in the moment. "We should definitely do that again."

"Oh we will darling." She said as she kissed my head. We both stayed cuddled up until we both eventually fell asleep.

Hope you guys enjoy this one.


Who is your favourite band/singer? Who you definitely don't get tired of listening too.

Mine is Citizen Soldier. Love me Rock/punk

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