Project V (W.M)

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Requested by Smithy123345

Vampire Reader Gip

Smut Warning

Wanda's pov

We had managed to catch a Hydra's new weapon. And we were currently sat in the other room as Tony and Steve failed to get anything out of them. The only thing that we know about them is that they are faster than Pietro and stronger than Steve. We don't really know much else.

"This is useless. We aren't getting anywhere." Tony huffed as both of them joined us.

"We need more time Tony. They seem to be strongwilled for a weapon." Steve spoke.

"Maybe I can try?" I suggested which they both looked at me.

"Yeah, witchy can get into their mind." Tony spoke excitedly.

"But take Vision in with you. They may be cuffed to the table but they are still unpredictable." Steve spoke. I just nodded and walked out towards the interrogation room with Vision behind.

"Your mind tricks won't work on me." They spoke without looking up at us.

"How did you know she would use her powers?" Vision spoke.

"Because she isn't the first witch I have come across." They spoke as they glared at Vision. "Of course the witches that I have known tend to remain close to their ancestors or home. But you are different. You're stronger or well, you will be." They spoke softly as their gaze softened as it remained on me.

"Well we are here...." Vision spoke.

"To see why I chose to be Hydra's weapon blah blah blah." They finished for him before they turned to me. "Are they always like this. So bland." They asked me with a smirk making me chuckle.

"So, I am Wanda Maximoff." I introduced myself as I sat in the seat before them.

"Y/N Y/L/N." They spoke with a smile as they kept their gaze on me.

"So can you tell me how old you are?" I asked them.

"That's a kind of personal question." They smirked at me as they sat back.

"Well, I like to get to know people." I smirked at them.

"Well I am 24." They spoke softly.

"Wow, you're only a year younger than me. Where exactly are you from. You don't sound American." I asked them.

"I am from North of England. I used to live there with my family." They spoke sadly as I could see pain in their eyes.

"I lost my family too." I spoke to try and help them. Vision put his hand on my shoulder which I shook off and scooted my chair away from him. "I was 10 when I lost my parents in a bombing that destroyed our home. My brother and I were lucky to have made it out alive." I spoke sadly at the thought of losing my loved ones.

"I am sorry to hear that. It is the worst pain imaginable. But it only gets easier in time. We never forget them and their memory lives on with us." They spoke tenderly.

"Thank you Y/N. It is nice to have someone who understands." I whispered before Vision motioned for me to stand and follow him into a corner of the interrogation room.

"We are supposed to find out their intentions not make friends Wanda. You have me for that." He spoke as he was towering over me.

"Vision, let me do this my way." I told him sternly.

"Your way is stupid Wanda. Very stupid." He spoke maliciously.

"Vision please just leave the room." I spoke shakily as he just shook his head before he gripped my arms tightly. Before he could say anything there was a loud thud and he was gone. Y/N was punching him in the other corner of the room. "Y/N, please stop." I spoke as I touched their shoulder. They looked at me, I gasped slightly at the change in their eyes and the sharp teeth that protruded from their gums. They softened their face as they looked at me giving Vision the chance to punch them and force them in their chair before the others even came in.

Elizabeth Olsen/Wanda Maximoff One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now