Young Parents Part 4

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Lizzie pov

We have been married for three years now. I got a role in the new marvel project. I'm excited to be able to work with my wife. Nate is now 5 going on 6. He his in school now and he is doing really well. He definitely gets his mamas brains. Y/N has been amazing, she is extremely talented even though she never wanted to act in the first place. She wanted to do what was best for her family. We don't fly out to atlanta til next week. So we are walking around the nearest park with nate in between the both of us. I really can't believe that this is my life now. The last film I done was Godzilla and it was an amazing experience and I loved working with the cast. Y/N has been working with marvel for years now and she's loved every minute of it. She's had some other projects as well which she has been absolutely amazing.

"Should we get ice cream?" She asks us both.

"YES!!" Nate shouted making the both of us laugh

"Alright then, come on." She said as she lifted him up onto her shoulders. She started to jog ahead with him laughing as he held onto her. I just shook my head at their silliness. Once I had caught up to them, they were both sat on a bench eating ice cream. "Her you go my love." She said as she handed me one.

"Thank you." I smiled at her as I sat beside Nate. It's moments like this that make everything worth while. The only thing that's hard is when we  both leave to go and film and Nate stays with my parents for school. He hates us both leaving but he understands our jobs.

"Y/N Y/L/N as I live and breath." We hear as we look up and see her parents walk up towards us.

"Would you take Nate home love?" She asked me softly.

"Of course." I said as I pecked her cheek and grabbed Nates hand. We both started to make our way out of the park. I look back and see them all talking but I can't make anything out.

Y/N pov

I watched a Lizzie took Nate before I  faced my parents.

"Hi kid. It's been so long." Peter said with a smirk.

"Not long enough. Also its Olsen now." I seethed as I threw away my ice cream.

"Oh so you took her name." He said with slight anger in his eyes. "Let me guess my grandson is also Olsen."

"Yes my son is. And he isn't your grandson." I told him.

"Yes he is. I bet he will most likely grow up to be a failure just like you." He said as my mum just stood beside him avoiding eye contact

"So you're still his little lucky then mum. Just stand there in silence and let him think that he is the big shot." I said to my mum.

"Dont you dare talk to your mother like that." He said as he stepped forward.

"Why, because your still controlling her. She's wearing long sleeves and thick clothes. I bet you beat her up like a coward since you can't take your anger out on me." I told him angrily. I watched as my mum tensed a I said those words confirming everything.

"She has her own mind freak." He sneered

"Come on Peter, let's just go." She whispered as I could see the fear in her eyes

"Oh wow, she speaks." I joked as Peter clenched his fists. "What are you going to do. Hit me? In public were the paps follow me everywhere."

"We have a right to our grandson." He said.

"No you don't. You have no rights. You lost those rights when you said those things to Lizzie and kicked me out. You're not my family. You never were." I told him as I started to walk away. I could hear him shouting after me but I didn't care. I just wanted to get away from them. It didn't take me too long to make it home were Lizzie greeted me instantly.

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