Best Friends?? (W.M)

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Y/N pov

I was currently on a mission with Nat and Steve to take out a small Hydra base and gather some Intel on their plans. The mission was a success, the 3 of is made our way off the jet and made our way into the compound. It was 1am when we walked into the main room towards the kitchen. The 3 of us had somd cuts and bruises but nothing major. As we made our way into the main room we spotted a sleeping body on the sofa with the TV playing quietly in the background. We made our way over to find that it was my best friend Wanda.

We had become friends since she joined the avengers after ultron. It did take a while to get her to feel comfortable in a whole new place without her brother. We slowly got closer to eachother and became best friends. We used to have fun annoying the rest of the avengers other than Nat because she one scary woman.
"Do you think she waited up for us to get home?" Steve asked quietly as not to disturb the sleeping sokovian.
"I don't think it was us she was waiting up for" Nat whispered with her signature smirk looking in my direction. She was the only one that knew about me being bi and my crush on Wanda. With her being a ex Russian spy and all. You can't hide anything from her.
"Do you think we should wake her to go to bed?" I asked quietly trying to avoid Nats gaze
"No, I'll take her up to her room" Steve said as he was about to move Nat put her hand out and stopped him before saying. "I think Y/N can do it, we've got to go and give the Intel to fury and update him on the mission."

Steve just looked between the two of us and started to walk away while Nat gave me a wink and then walked away without saying a word. I walked around to the other side of the sofa and knelt down in front of her and gently brushed a strand of her behind her ear. She was just so beautiful and I could just watch her sleep all day. There was no denying that I am in love with my best friend.

I had finally stood up and turned off the TV and picked her up bridal style and walked her over to the elevator. As we got out on our floor, her grip around my neck tightened as she nuzzled her head further in my neck. As we reached her door, a quietly opened it and walked over to her bed and placed her on it before tucking her in. I gave her a kiss on the forehead before leaving her room and walking over to mine to have a shower and get some sleep myself.

I woke up the next morning to see Nat sat at the edge of my bed staring at me which made me jump and fall out of bed. She laughed as I groaned in pain remembering the bruises on my ribs from yesterday's mission. As I got up I shot Nat a glare.
"What are doing in here?" I asked her as I made my way over to my closet to get my clothes ready for today.
"I just came in to check on you." Nat said as I walked into my bathroom.
"You took a worse beating than me and steve."
"Yeah I'm good Nat. Just abit sore butbits nothing I cant handle." I reassured her with a smile.
"So how are with the whole Wanda thing? I know how hard it must be" she said as she looked at me with a sad smile.
"It's OK I guess. She's my best friend and I dont want to lose her." I told her as I shrugged my shoulders.
"Well at least let me check on your bruises just to make sure that that's all they are OK?" She asked me with a gentle smile. I just nodded as I took my hoodie off and I was just left in a sports bra. She gently touched over them and I jumped backed in pain at her touch.
"Ok I'll just grab some cream for them to help with the pain. If the pain gets worse we will go straight to Bruce. OK?" She said which I just nodded at her as she left my room. Not 2 minutes later there was a knock in the door.
"Nat you know you can come straight in" I shouted through with a chuckle. I soon stopped as I heard the voice that I loved so much.
"Well I'm not Nat" she said as she walked in the door. Before she closed it Nat came running back in.
"Hey I got it. I had to go to the lab for it. Oh hey Wanda" Nat said with a smile as she made her way over to me. "Ok are you ready. Bruce said if the pain gets worse go straight to him." She told me as she started to rub the cream on my ribs and stomach which caused my to hiss in pain. With that Wanda came running over to see what was wrong.
"What happened Y/N?" Wanda asked me with concern in her eyes as she looked over my ribs and stomach.
"Well the mission was a success but I was very popular with the Hydra agents." I said with a chuckle to try and calm her. " It's doesn't hurt as bad as it looks" I finished with a smirk just before i jumped in pain as Nat was doing the last of the cream.
"Well that's done, just try and take it easy for a couple of days Y/L/N." Nat said as she stood up from the bed and started to walk out of the room.
"Thanks Nat" I said with a smile before she left the room and shut the door behind her. I made way back over towards the bathroom to get dressed. As I walked back into my room I had noticed that Wanda was still here and spaced out.
"Hey Wands, are you OK?" I ask her as I make my way over to sit down next to her.
"I just dont like seeing you hurt" she said as she still looked at her lap.
"I'm still here. It was only a small mission and we managed to complete it without any serious injurys." I said as I reached over and grabbed her hand in mine causing her to look up at me, I was heartbroken seeing her cry.
"I just can't lose you. I've lost everyone else and I dont think I would be able to survive if I lost you" she told me as she looked back down at her lap.
"You won't lose me wands, I'm always gonna be here for you" I told her as I pulled her in for a hug which she returned.
"I love you Y/N" she said as she looked up at me making me smile.
"I love you too Wanda" I told her as I booped her nose making her scrunch it up adorably. She stood up from my gasp and started to pace the room.
"No Y/N. I love you the way a best friend shouldn't." She said as she turned to face me. I just sat there in shock unable to move with a stoic expression on my face. She walk towards the door but paused before she opened it. "But it's clear you don't feel the same way as me."

Before she could open it I stood up from the bed finally breaking out of my shock and walked over to her and grabbed her wrist making her turn to face me before pressing my lips against hers in a slow passionate kiss. It took her a few seconds to get over the initial shock and kiss back. When we both pulled back from the kiss I whispered against her lips "I love you too wands"

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