Miss Maximoff (W.M)

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Y/N pov

I have been working for Miss Maximoff since my couson Darcy got me the job. You see I am a 21 year old college student and in need of an income since finding a job while in college is hard. Everyone wants someone with 10 years experience, I know yeah I have exagerated a little bit there but still. I have worked hard with school to get where I am. I have helped my Uncle build his tech for his firm but that is clearly not good enough for experience. So from the first moment I met Miss Maximoff and her boys, I had found out that my Uncle's friend is her ex husband and he is definitely a microdickhead for leaving such a stunning woman with their kids. From what I understand he claims he wasn't ready for father hood. In my opinion, if your not ready for the responsibility, DON'T PLANT THE FUCKING SEED.

So the twins are currently one which kind of makes my job sort of easy. All they do is pretty much eat, sleep and shit with the occasional crawling session or tummy time.

So right now, Miss Maximoff is at work and I have managed to get the twins down for the night so I decided to cook Miss Maximoff something before she comes home. It's nothing special just some beef stew. As I was stirring it on a low heat the door opened.

"Y/N hi." She beamed at me making my heart flutter at her heart stopping smile with the matching sparkle in her eyes.

"Miss Maximoff, the twins should be gone for the night and your dinner is ready." I told her softly as I put the contents into a bowl and poured her a glass of wine.

"Thank you Y/N. Please call me Wanda." She spoke softly as she took the steaming hot bowl and sat at the island with it as I cleaned up my mess.
"So how is college?" She asked me. That is one thing I love about working for her, she still asks me how my day was and not practically shove me out of the door.

"It's going amazing. Graduation is in a few months time." I spoke cheerily thinking about finally finishing school.

"What is it that you wanted to do when you finish?" She asked as she listened intently.

"I know I want to be an engineer. It's just something about either fixing things or creating new tech that is therapeutic to me." I spoke as I dried my hands.

"You sound just like your uncle." She laughed as I just smiled at the sound.

"Well I best be off." I spoke as I started to get my things together.

"Here, take a cab." She spoke as she tried to give me some money.

"It's ok Wanda, I'll be fine. I know you don't get paid for another two weeks and you will need things for the three of you." I told her softly as I pushed her hand closed and put it back at her side.

"At least text me that you got home safe." She pleaded with me.

"I will. I'll see you Saturday." I spoke as I walked out giving her one last smile. I was on my way home with a smile on my face. Who knew that working for Wanda could be so peaceful and watching over two twins wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. I will be honest and say that I love those boys like my own and would protect them no matter what. Once I walked in my apartment I shot Wanda a quick text before I got my shower and headed to work on my thesis for college.

Wanda's pov

It was now Saturday and I am currently waiting for Y/N to come over to watch the boys while I have an afternoon catching up with Nat and Maria. I shot up from my spot when I heard the doorbell go and answered it to an out of breath Y/N.

Elizabeth Olsen/Wanda Maximoff One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now