Hard Love part 2 (W.M)

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Y/N pov

It's been a few days since I've been staying with Nat. It felt amazing to feel like I have a real family. I haven't seen or heard anything from my dad which is a good thing I think. I also have my first date with Wanda tonight. I've decided to take her on a moonlight picnic in the park. I already had everything ready with the help of Nat, she seems really happy for us both. I'm about to get ready to go and pick Wanda up for our date.

"Hey have fun tonight." Nat said as she pulled me in for a hug before I made my way out to the car. I already had everything packed in the basket and a couple of blankets.

"I will, thank you for everything" I told her with a soft smile which she returned. I turned around and walked over to my car and got in. I started the car up and made my way to Wanda's. As soon as I pulled up outside her apartment building, I texted her to let her know I was outside. I stood outside leaning on the passenger side of the car as I saw her practically run out of the building with a wide smile on her face.

"Hey" I said as I opened the door for her.

"Hey" she said as she gave me a soft kiss before getting seated. I closed her door and made my way around to the drivers side and started our journey to the park. It was the perfect night for a picnic under the stars. The air was just cool enough and the moon was bright. I gazed over and saw how her skin and eyes shine in the moonlight and she truly is breathtaking. I quickly turned away before she caught me staring like a creep.

"So where are we going?" She asked me with a soft smile.

"That's a surprise." I told her with a smirk. It wasn't long until we pulled up outside the park gates. I got out and grabbed the basket and blankets before making my way around to open her door for her.

"Were having a moonlight picnic." I told her with a shy smile having no idea what her reaction will be. I watched as her face broke into a wide smile easing my nerves.

"Aww that sounds perfect." She said as she took my free hand on hers as we walked around to find the perfect spot for us both. After we found a perfect spot we both lay the blanket down and sat down. I took out the sandwiches, snacks and drinks out for us both. We both ate in a comfortable silence. As soon as we had finished eating I had put the tubs and our rubbish back inside the basket as we both lay down hand in hand looking up at the stars.

"So tell me about yourself?" I said as I turned to face her.

"Well we moved from sokovia 3 years ago, you know I have a twin. We both live with our parents. I'm going to NYU in the fall to study drama." She told me with a smile.

"How did you learn to speak English?" I asked her as I was mesmerised by the sparkle in her eyes as she spoke.

"We always watched old American sitcoms with our parents and was really only allowed to talk English when we were at home." She told me with a smile as she reminisced parts of her childhood. "I would have to say my favourite is the Dick Van Dyke show."

I couldn't help but smile at how her eyes sparkled when she talks about something she loves. I was just lost on admiring her and realised that I kinda stopped listening to her until she snapped her fingers in front of me breaking me out of my trance.

"Hey you OK Y/N?" She asked concerned.

"Um yeah I'm great actually." I told her honestly. "I'm actually happy for the first time in years and you play a huge part in that so thank you."

"I'm happy your happy, and to be part of the reason I'm honoured." She told me as she reached her hand over to caress my cheek. I turned to face her and we both started to lean in. We eventually closed the gap in a passionate kiss. As the kiss went on she moved to straddle my lap without breaking the kiss. She started to roll her hips as she deepened the kiss. Which caused me to stop her movements because she doesn't know that I'm intersex.

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