(What if?) I Blame you part 3 (E.O)

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Requested by lex_romanoff

Y/N pov

It's been over a month since I was released from hospital. I've been staying with Scarlett since I don't want to go back to my house. I haven't spoke to Lizzie since the hospital. I know that shes tried multiple times to talk to me but I just can't bring myself to look at her because I know if I look in her eyes I'll break. I'll give in to her and I can't allow myself to do that. I'm currently lying in bed in Scars spare room. She has helped me so much since I've been here. I've had plenty  of movie nights with her and Rose and I've really enjoyed my time staying here. I watched as the bedroom door opened as Scar leaned against the door frame.

"She's been here again?" I asked her softly while she just nodded and walked over to sit next to me.

"Yes, she's very persistent ill give her that." She told me which I just scoffed.

"She can't expect me to go back to her. Not after what she said." I told her bluntly.

"I know what she said was very hurtful but you guys need to talk about everything. Clear the air because everyone else is in the crossfire between you two." She told me. I know she's right but I'm not going to tell her that.

"I can't look at her right now. I just can't." I told her quietly.

"I know but you will need to sort it out between you both before you can both move on from this." She told me softly while I just nodded as she left me to my thoughts. I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I've got my home studio back home, well it's not much of a home. So I decided to go there since I know that Lizzie will be at work. I went home and went straight into my studio. I decided that I would work on a new song.

Lizzie's pov

I was on my way home from work to my empty house. I've tried every day to try and get Y/N to talk to me. We need to sort out our relationship that's if she still wants to be with me. To be honest I don't really blame her for not speaking to me at all but I just wish she would so I know where I stand. As I pulled up I saw Scars car parked outside. I walked in my house thinking that Scar was here but she wasn't which was odd. I walked upstairs to check when I heard some music coming from Y/Ns home studio. I let myself in to see the person I have wanted to see in so long sitting there and working on a new song.

"Hi." I said making my presence known.

"Hi." She repeated as she turned around to face me.

"We need to talk." I told her softly which she just nodded.

"Yeah we do." She said as she gave me her full attention.

"What are we doing?" I asked her as I sat down in the chair opposite her.

"I don't know sitting." She said with a smirk making me giggle.

"No I mean about us?" I asked her with hopeful eyes. Hoping that she will want to work things out.

"There isn't an us anymore. Not since the day you told me those horrible things. I don't think I can work past that. With the cheating and the lying to me." She said as she looked down at her lap. I mentally cursed myself knowing that I need to tell her the truth about Robbie but it's up to her if she still wants to continue with us.

"I didn't cheat." I told her. I watched as she looked up at me telling me to continue. "I was drunk, really drunk and he wasn't so he uh he took advantage of me." I told her as the tears started to fall down my cheeks.

"So what are you saying is that you didn't cheat on me?" She asked me with disbelief on her face 

"Yes I didn't cheat on you. I was too drunk to give consent. I ran to Kelly's room the morning after I woke up in tears. My mum and the twins have been telling me since it happened to tell you." I told her as I wiped my cheeks.

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