Amnesia (E.O)

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Requested by CakeChan6

Y/N pov

I was just on my way to my girlfriend of two years from the studio. It was raining lightly but I could still see. As I was driving down one of the lanes my phone rang. I answered it and put it on speaker.

"Hey sweetheart." I greeted her softly as I kept my full attention on the road.

"Hey baby, are you nearly home?" She asked me softly.

"Yeah, I'm on my way. I'm just coming downtown so I should be there in 20." I told her as I turned.

"Just be careful ok. I'll be waiting. I love you." She said softly.

"I love you too." I told her before she hung up. I was about 10 minutes away before a truck came barring down on the wrong side of the road head on. I tried to turn out of it's way but it was too late. It hit the side of my car and kept going as my car was rolling getting pushed down the road. It finally stop when my car hit a brick wall with the engine of the truck practically taking refuge in the passenger side of my car. I felt nothing but pain before I blacked out.

Lizzies pov

I was sat waiting for Y/N to come. I hadn't seen her all week due to both of our schedules. I looked at the time and noticed that she's almost an hour late. She's never late. I started to worry as I dialled her number.

"Hey this is Y/N, if you're important enough to me to answer back leave a message. If not just hang up now." Her voicemail said. I laughed slightly at her message which is definitely her. I hung up as 100 different scenarios ran through my head. I was beyond worried by now and my stupid brain didn't help the situation. I was soon broken out of my thoughts when my phone rang. Once I saw that it was Chris E I answered it immediately.

"Hey, is she OK? Please tell me she's OK?" He said frantically through the phone confusing me.

"Chris what do you mean? Is who OK?" I asked him

"Y/N. She's been all over the news." He said making me worry more than I was before.

"What do you mean?" I asked him shakily.

"She's been in an accident. It looked really bad Liz." He told me as I started to get my things together.

"Do you know what hospital she is at?" I asked him as I was getting my jacket on.

"She's at St Marks by yours." He told me. "I'm already on my way there."

"Thank you Chris ill meet you there." I said as I got my keys.

"No you're not driving in your state. I'm already pulling up outside." He said as he honked his horn. I grabbed everything that I had needed before locking up and joining Chris in the car. "So how come you didn't know?" He asked me.

"I didn't have the TV on, I was waiting for her to come over and then this happens. She has to be alright. Please let her be alright." I sobbed as I watched the buildings go by. Once he pulled up I ran into the reception. Before I could ask I heard someone call my name.

"Hey Liz." Her sister Hayley called.

"Hey, is she OK?" I asked as she pulled me in for a hug.

"She's in surgery right now. They won't tell me anything else. I've got Jack with the kids and I don't want to leave her but Jack has work and the kids." She rambled.

"That's OK. You go home to them. As soon as I hear something you'll be the first person I'll call ok." I told her softly.

"Thank you so much." She said as she gathered her things. "I'll be back as soon as I can ok." She told me before she left the waiting room. I sat down waiting for what felt like days for any news. By now all of our friends are here and I'm currently fighting to keep my eyes open as I rest my head on Chris's shoulder.

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