Baby Fever (E.O)

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Requested by Alex_2151

Smut warning
Lizzie GiP

Y/N pov

We were on our way to Scarletts to pick her up for the cast going out and of course lizzie wanted to see cosmo. If she could she'd be taking him home with us. She seems to be really broody.

"Do you ever think about having kids with me?" She asked me softly as she kept her eyes on the road ahead.

"We've only been together for a couple of years love." I told her with a soft smile.

"I know but I see a future with you, with our kids running around in the yard with you chasing them." She said with a wide smile.

"I would love to have children, when we've settled down and we're married." I told her softly.

"You see us getting married?" She asked with a sparkle in her eyes.

"Yeah I do. I want to spend the rest of my life with you." I told her as I held her hand in mine and kissed her knuckles while she smiled widely.

It didn't take us too long to make it to Scarletts. We both got out of the car and walked up to her door hand in hand. As soon as we walked in Lizzie went straight over to cosmo and picked him up.

"She's definitely broody." Scarlett stated with a smirk

"Oh yeah she is. She even asked about having kids." I told her with a soft smile.

"That's nice that she sees a future with you both still together." She said with a wide smile as we both never took our eyes of the two of them.

"Love, come on. Give the baby to his daddy so we can go out and have fun with our friends." I told her while she gave me a pout.

"But I want to stay here and cuddle him." She whined making us laugh.

"Come on. When we get home maybe we can practice having a baby." I whispered in her ear making a smirk grow on her face as she practically sped over to Colin to pass him cosmo.

"Come on then what are we waiting for." She said as she sped out of the door.

"What did you say to her." Scar asked me while I just wiggled my eyebrows. "I don't want to know do I?"

"Nope. You definitely don't." I said with a smirk following my girlfriend out to our car. It didn't take us long till we were at the party. We were all dancing and laughing when Mackie and Seb came up and dragged me over to the bar.

"What do you guys want?" I asked with a sigh

"You know how we've planked everyone but you've never allowed us to prank Lizzie. Can we please pull one on her tonight?" Seb asked with puppy eyes. The three of us usually pull pranks on everyone but we've never done one on Lizzie because I know how bad her anxiety gets and I hate to see her upset or anxious.

"No." I told them bluntly.

"Aww why not, it'll be fun." Mackie reasoned.

"What did you have in mind?" I gave in.

"Viagra." Seb said with a smirk.

"No." I said harshly since hardly anyone knows about her and I sure as hell won't let her be branded a freak because of a stupid prank. I decided to walk away from the two idiots and make my way back to my lovely girl and everyone else.

"Hey baby, what did dumb and dumber want?" She asked as she pressed a gentle kiss to my lips.

"Just the usual prank stuff." I said as I rolled my eyes as I saw them both make there way over with 3 drinks. I watched as they handed Lizzie a drink. I glared at them before Lizzie thanked them and started drinking it.

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