We Will Meet Again In Another Life pt3 (E.O)

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Y/N pov

I was happy to be home after being missing for over 3 months. Honestly I don't know how I'm holding it together. I was just so happy to be with the one person I love most in the world. Mama J walked back in with a soft smile making her way over to Lizzie.

"Well your sisters are coming as soon as. So they could be here very soon." She said with a chuckle making me smile.

"Well Scar is coming after she's picked up Rose from school. It's been really hard on her since we were told that you died." Lizzie told me with a soft smile. Before I could respond the doctor came in.

"How are you feeling Y/N?" They said with a small smile

"Well I feel like I've just come back from the dead" I said with a chuckle.

"Well I've got to check your wounds and you're going to be booked in for an x Ray to make sure that everything is healing as it should be." They said as a nurse came in with a trolley with equipment. "Would you mind leaving us for a quick moment."

Both Lizzie and mama J looked at eachother then me hesitantly before I nodded that it was OK.

"Well were going to get some coffee if you would like some baby?" Lizzie asked before she left my side.

"Yeah I would love one." I told her with a bright smile trying to remember when I last had a coffee. As soon as they left the doctor started to check over my stitches and bruises, changing any dressings that needed to be changed.

"Well it seems like everything is healing nicely outside. Just need to make sure everything inside is healing just as good." They said as they started to stand up. "Of everything comes back fine you will be able to leave in a few days."

"Thank you doc" I said as they left.

I know I'm gonna struggle for a long time with being home. Especially with being out of a cell and not being beaten or stabbed every other day. Before I knew it Lizzie and Mama J walked in followed by the twins with huge smiles on their faces.

"Oh my god. Its so good to have you home." Ashley said as she gave me a short squeeze.

"Finally, the best one is home. I've been sick and tired of this lot." MK said with a smirk.

"It's so good to see you guys." I said as I sat up slowly. I winced as I felt a pain in my stomach from the stitches so I gave up sitting up any more.

"Take it easy baby" lizzie said as she handed me my coffee. As soon as it was in my hand, I couldn't help but smell it first. I've honestly missed that smell. So I quickly took a sip and let out a satisfied sigh.

"Oh god I've really missed you" I said to the coffee making everyone laugh. Which I just looked at them. "What are you laughing at? I'm being serious"

"So you missed your coffee more than me" Lizzie said with a cheeky smirk which I know so well.

"Oh I've missed you're magic..." I was soon cut off by Lizzie putting her hand over my mouth while she blushed hard. I licked her hand so she would move it.

"That was gross." She said with a face of disgust making us all laugh at her.

"So when did you get back?" Ashley asked quietly.

"Well I don't really know. All I remember is blacking out over there and then waking up here this morning" I told them honestly not wanting to go into too much detail of what happened.

"Well were happy your home safe" MK said with a smile. Before anyone could say anything else the door burst open with Rose and Scarlett running in.

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