Service Dog (E.O)

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Requested by lovergurl207

Y/N pov

I was visiting my cousin on set today of the new marvel film. I had my dog, Jessie with me. She was a German shepherd. She's been with me since I was medically discharged from the army. She's been a huge help with my PTSD. Just as we were walking through security stopped us.

"I'm sorry but it's no dogs allowed ma'am." They said which I just looked in disbelief.

"Shes a service dog sir." I told him which he just scoffed. Before he could answer I heard my cousin shout my name and walk over to us.

"Hey Y/N." Chris said as he knelt down and fussed Jessie.

"Hey, cuz. I thought I'd come and see the magic happening." I told him with a small smile.

"Well come on then, I'll introduce to everyone." He said as he lead us to the set. I was quite nervous about meeting everyone, I'd only ever met Scarlett but that was because they worked together before marvel. As soon as we walked inside everyone looked up as Scar walked up to us.

"Y/N, god I've missed you." She said as she pulled me in for a hug.

"I missed you too." I whispered as we pulled away.

"The last time I saw you was before your last tour." She said making me tense up remembering it.

Chris then introduced me to the rest of them that were in the room. As soon as she walked in, it was like time had stopped.

"Y/N this is Lizzie, Lizzie this is my cousin Y/N." He said with a big smile like a proud big brother. I put my hand out to shake hers which she took with a smile to die for.

"So Y/N, what is it that you do?" Robert asked me.

"I'm currently in between jobs right now." I told them with a tight lipped smile as Jessie nudged my hand for me to concentrate on her. She has been amazing at reading my moods and when I'm going into an episode.

"What is it that you used to do?" He asked softly. I understand that he's only trying to get to know me and I noticed the change in both Chris's demeanor since he knows what happened on my last tour.

"You don't have to answer that Y/N." Chris said as he sat beside me as everyone looked at the two of us. Scar looked like she was missing something.

"It's OK Chris." I told him with a small smile which he returned. "I was in the army."

"Wow, that must've been a tough job. How long were you serving?" He asked me with a soft smile.

"Since I left school." I told him softly as I kept absent mindedly stroking Jessie. Once they had all left since they got called to set I went with them and followed them to watch them. Luckily enough Jessie is well trained to stay by my side. I was in awe of the way they quickly got into character. The way they portrayed different emotions. I was soon broken out of my trance when Lizzie walked up beside me.

"Hey Y/N, how are you?" She asked me with a smile that was out of this world.

"Hey, I'm good. Just admiring all of you guys work." I told her with a smile.

"Thank you. But are you sure you're OK?" She asked me again. As she asked me there was a loud bang which made me freeze.

Lizzies pov

I watched as she just went blank, then I realised that it was because of the loud noise. Chris came over to us concerned.

"Chris I don't know what happened, we were just talking and then there was a loud bang and she went blank." I told him as our eyes never left Y/N.

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