Your Sky (E.O)

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Requested by heyitsjaceyy

Flashbacks - italic

Y/N pov

I was walking along the beach with my camera around my neck. That's something you should know about me is that I love photography even though it isn't my career it's just something that calms me. Capturing special moments or something beautiful. It has always been something that I love to do. My favourite thing to capture is the neverending beauty of the sky.

"Why do you always bring your camera everywhere?" Lizzie asked me as we walked along the beach under the sunset.

"If I see something so beautiful and don't want to miss it I simply just snap a picture and I have it forever." I said as I lifted my camera at her and snapped a picture of her making her giggle.

"Look at the sunset." She gasped as she stepped out to the shore. I stayed behind her and snapped the perfect picture of her stood admiring the hues of the sky as the waves calmly came in.
"Let's walk in the sea." She asked me with her beautiful green eyes. I smiled and took her hand and walked with her enjoying the feeling of the water between our toes.

"I love you." I breathed out as she turned to face me with a wide smile.

"I love you too." She said as she pressed her lips on mine in a soft and meaningful kiss.

I found myself smiling at the memory of the two of us as I snapped a picture of the bright blue sky with slight wisps of white clouds. I walked further down to be caught with a sight that broke my heart. I saw Lizzie with her new boyfriend walking side by side laughing with eachother. I could see that she was truly happy with him. I quickly made my way away from the beach and back to my car and drove as far away as I could.

"You know, it seems creepy that you bring that old tatted camera everywhere with you." Lizzie teased me as we walked through the park under the moonlight.

"Seriously. I like taking pictures of nature not people so it isn't creepy." I told her as I looked up at the night sky through the trees.

"So you don't like taking pictures of me?" She fake pouted.

"You are the exception and the most beautiful thing in the entire universe." I told her honestly as I pulled her in for a much needed kiss.

"So this is what you have been doing with your time lately?" Flo asked as she flopped down beside me on the sofa.

"What? Am I not allowed to take pictures?" I asked as I chose my favourite ones.

"Why are they all of the sky?" She asked me and I debated on telling her.

"Because I like the sky. It brings me peace with it's never ending uncertainty." I told her hoping she would buy it.

"I know it's because you miss her." She called me out on my bullshit.

"I do and I hate myself for letting her go." I told her.

"Why did you do that again?" She asked me.

"I have something for you." Lizzie said as we lay naked in her bed. She got up and went in her closet and came out with a gift bag. I smiled widely when I saw that it was the latest Canon model with high pixel def.

"You didn't have to." I whispered softly.

"I wanted to. And besides when I am away filming you can think of me when you take pictures of the sky." She said as she lay beside me making shapes on my stomach.

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