Best Friends Sister (E.O)

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Requested by Slaveforlizzie

Y/N pov

I was on my way to visit the twins since I arrived in New York. The season is over so I have some time to spend with my favourite girls. I got the three of us coffee before I headed there. They didn't know I was here since they think that I am still going over my contract which I have already sorted and got another 3 years with LA Sparks. You see, I'm a point guard in the WNBA, basketball has always been my life since my dad always loved the sport and never managed to follow his dream. So I achieved our dream for the two of us.

"How are my favourite girls?" I said cheerily as I walked into their office.

"Y/N!!" Ashley squealed as she ran into my arms for a tight squeeze before MK gave me one.

"What are you doing here?" MK asked me as I handed them their coffees.

"Well we finalised my contract and I thought that I would come and see you guys." I told them as we all sat down.

"That's amazing. I can't wait to see you play again. Watching you on TV isn't the same as cheering you on courtside." Ashley said with a smile as MK agreed.

"Well you can always fly out whenever you want to one." I told them.

"Do you forget that we have a company to run?" MK sassed.

"Did you forget that you have employees?" I returned with the same energy as Ashley just laughed.

"Hey girls, are we heading for lunch?" Another blonde asked when she let herself in the office.

"Oh yeah." Ashley said as she shot up.

"Sorry Lizzie we got distracted by this one here." MK said as she slapped my shoulder.

"Hi." I waved shyly at the beautiful woman who could pass for the twins triplet.

"Y/N this is our baby sister Elizabeth." Ashley introduced us. I held my hand out for her to shake which she happily took with a smile.

"Y/N Y/L/N." I told her with a smile.

"The other Olsen but you can call me Lizzie." She said with a smile that is to die for.

"Why don't you join us Y/N?" MK asked me.

"No that's ok. I don't want to intrude." I said sheepishly.

"You won't be intruding." Ashley said as they looked between Lizzie and I.

"Yeah join us, it will be nice to get to know you since I have never heard anything about you." Lizzie said softly.

"Fine, I'll join you guys." I sighed in defeat as the twins each took an arm and led me out of their office with Lizzie giggling behind. "You know with how you both act you would think that I haven't seen you in years." I teased the twins.

"Well it seems that way since you live in LA." Ashley huffed making me laugh. We all made it to a small secluded restaurant. We were all led to a table in the back away from the windows.

"So Y/N, what do you do?" Lizzie asked me as she rested her chin on her hand.

"Well I'm point guard for the LA Sparks." I told her as I took a sip of my water.

"So you live in LA?" She asked me

"Yeah. These keep trying to get me to move here but I just love LA. Don't get me wrong I love New York but I would never choose to live here. Would be too stressful." I said making the twins huff.

"I agree, we grew up in LA but the one place I would love to live is London. My fiance and I lived there during the pandemic and while filming the next Doctor Strange." She told me with a smile. I don't know why but my heart dropped at the mention of her being engaged. Well who wouldn't want to marry her. She's insanely gorgeous, sweet, kind and funny. She's everything you would want in a woman.

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