Sketches Of You (E.O)

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Requested by heyitsjaceyy

Y/N pov

Lizzie and I have been best friends since we worked together on Godzilla. The worst part is with all of the time that I had spent with her made me fall for her. For the person she is. She is just so beautiful inside and out. Whenever we go out anywhere I like to take my sketch pad with me and I have one that has just got sketches of Lizzie. She doesn't know that I sketch her because I never let her see my sketches.

Lately it has been harder to be around her so I have kindle become a recluse finishing of the sketches making sure that they're perfect. Just like her. I decided to give it to her for her birthday along with a bottle of her favourite wine. I know it's not much but i don't know what to get her. She was having a party thrown by her sisters for her birthday. Just a reason for everyone to get drunk aswell. Once I had drove to her house I guess I was a little early but I was surprised when everyone was already here.

"Hey Y/N, Lizzie's been wondering where you were all night." Ashley said as she dragged me inside. She dragged me all the way to Lizzie. "Look who I found." Ashley shouted making her turn around quickly.

"Y/N, you made it." She squealed as she hugged me tight.

"Happy birthday princess." I told her as I held her the presents.

"Is this your sketch book?" She asked me softly 

"No its yours. But just wait until you're on your own to look through it please." I told her softly as she gave me another soft hug.

"Thank you so much." She said softly as she looked in my eyes with a bright smile. I was happy to have made a good choice in her gift. I just hope she loves the sketches

As the party went on, lots of talking to everyone and laughing. That was until I saw her kiss someone. I have no idea who it is though. I quickly swallowed the lump in my throat and walked out to my car. Not like she would notice anyway.

Lizzie's pov

After I had pulled away I regretted it instantly.

"I'm sorry i have to go." I told them and walked off without sparing them a second glance. I just walked away to my room. I picked up the sketch book that Y/N had given me, I had always wanted to see her drawings. I looked at the first sketch and it was the first day on set of Godzilla. It was when we first met. The way she drew was mesmerising. How she captured every little detail with the pencil was amazing to me. I flicked through all of the pages remembering the moments we had hung when she had drew these. Suddenly I realised something. All the time she didn't want me to see what she was drawing I was her inspiration. I walked back downstairs to the party to find her.

"Hey birthday girl." MK said with a smile

"Where's Y/N?" I asked her which her smile dropped.

"She left Liz." She told me which hurt me a little.

"Why?" I asked her.

"Because she saw you kiss that guy before. There's something that you need to know Liz." She said which I just shook my head.

"I need to see her." I told her which she nodded with a smile. I walked away and waited for an uber to go to Y/Ns apartment. I still held the sketch book to my chest. I couldn't believe that she could possibly feel the same as me. As soon as I got out of the car I made my way up to her door and knocked on it frantically. I soon heard footsteps coming towards the door.

"Lizzie? What are you doing here?" She asked as she let me in.

"You didn't say goodbye and you just left. Why?" I asked her as she got us both some water.

"Well you seemed to be pretty busy with that guy so I thought you wouldn't miss me." She told me which broke my heart.

"No, he kissed me and I was stupid to kiss back but I stopped it. Then I came looking for you." I told her.

"Why to tell me how it was." She said angrily 

"No. Because it done nothing for me. Kissing all the people that I have, I have never felt anything for them the way I feel for you." I told her. She just stood there so I continued. "And don't say you don't feel the same because your gift says otherwise." I finished as I placed the sketch book on the counter as we both stared at eachother

"I can explain." She started.

"Please do, I'm all ears." I told her.

"I started falling for you as we'd hang out when we were filming Godzilla. Everything single thing that I learnt about you made me fall deeper but I knew you wouldn't ever feel the same so I didn't tell you. I wanted to have you in my life whether that's being best friends because I can't imagine my life without you. Yeah those sketches may seem creepy but you inspired me. You're beauty and the beauty behind those mesmerising green eyes. I wanted to draw perfection but I already had perfection sat in front of me. And I don't regret it at all." She told me as my gaze never left hers.

"So you've listened to me rant on about my previous relationships and just pushed your own feelings aside." I said softly.

"Yes, because I didn't want to lose you. Even as a friend. You mean everything to me Elizabeth." She told me which i just stepped forward and captured her lips in an emotional kiss. I wrapped my arms around her neck as she held my waist close to her. "I'm in love with you, I always have been since I first saw you."

"I'm in love with you too." I whispered in the space between us.

"I hope you've had an amazing birthday." She said as I rested my head against her chest as she just held me.

"I have and its all because of you Y/N. You've made today special with your gift." I told her honestly.

"Well let's get you back to your party." She said as she started to detach herself from me as I shook my head no.

"I just want you to hold me close for the rest of the night." I told her as I took her hands and led her to the bedroom. She got me some comfy clothes out to change into. Once we were both ready for bed I lay cuddled into her chest as she lulled me to sleep running her fingers through my hair gently.

I hope you guys enjoyed this fluffy one. Let me know what you guys think

And happy birthday to the queen herself. LIZZIE BAE 😍😍

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