I Might Never Know ( E.O)

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Lizzie's pov

I was making my way home after a long day of filming, I was hoping to spend a nice evening with my fiancé. We have been kind of distant lately with both of our work schedules being hectic. As I pulled up into our drive I saw his car telling me he was home. As I walked through the door my ears were met with moans. So at first I thought nothing of it and made my upstairs to our shared bedroom. I opened the door slowly to see him in MY bed with another woman.
"WHAT THE HELL" I yelled making them both jump apart.
"Its not what I looks like baby" Robbie said as he started to make his way over to me.
"Really, because it looked exactly like what I think it is" I told him with tears threatening to spill from my eyes because of this asshole. "I don't ever want to see you again! I hate you!" I told him as I grabbed some of my things in a bag from the closet. After I had packed my bag, I walked over to him with disgust and anger in my eyes and I took off the engagement ring he had given me and threw it in his face.
"I want you out of my house by the time I come back" I told him coldly as I picked up my bag and walked out of the front door. I started my car and made my way over to the only place I knew I would be safe and thats my best friend's Y/N.

We've known eachother since our sophomore year in high school. They moved here from England to come and live with their dad. I knew they wouldn't be home as they are away on tour. They're a combat medic in the military, theyve been gone for 7 months and should be home in a month. So I just let myself into their apartment, it smelled like her making me cry even harder because I've missed her. She always knows how to make me smile, like genuinely smile no matter if I'm having a bad day or just trying to be stubborn. I decided I would try and call her, she always answers my calls when I call for our daily chat. We had worked out a routine so we both would still be there for eachother if we needed. As soon as the call started ringing she answered immediately with a huge smile on her face.

Y/N: Hey Liz, how's it going.

Me: Hey its going great. I miss you

Y/N: no tell me what's really wrong? And won't lie to me.

She always knows when there is something wrong, sometimes even before I realise it.

Me: he cheated on me

Y/N: that son of a bitch. I'm gonna kill him when i get my hands on him

Me: hahaha, I know he's not gonna stand a chance with you.

Y/N: exactly. You don't deserve any of that. Wait are you at mine?

Me: yeah, I couldn't stay in the house so i thought you wouldn't mind.

Y/N: no that's totally fine. As long as your safe. But don't break my xbox.

Me: thats all you ever care about.

Y/N: Hey its my baby.

Me: when are you supposed to be coming home?

Y/N: next month I'll be home for 6 months.

Me: good because I miss you.

Y/N: I miss you too. Well I've got to go, our convoy is leaving soon.

Me: okay bye. I love you

Y/N: I love you too

With that we both hung up. I didn't really want to be alone so I texted Scarlett to see if she would be free to meet at Y/Ns apartment. Everyone from work love Y/N, she's practically part of the Marvel family since when were both here, were practically glued at the hip. Not 10minutes later Scarlett was buzzing the apartment which I let her in. As soon as she came through the door she engulfed me in a tight hug and I started crying my eyes out.
"Hey Lizzie, it's OK. What happened?" She asked me as she brushed through my hair. She was like a big sister to me.
"Robbie... h..he ch..cheated on me" I told her as more sobs just escaped my mouth. We both walked over to the sofa and we sat there with her holding me. Little did I know that things were going to get worse from here.

Time skip 1 month

It's been a month since I last heard from Y/N, she normally wouldn't ignore my calls on purpose and she was supposed to be coming home. I was starting to get worried. I was still staying at her apartment because I didn't want to go back to the house. So I went to work like usual and just pushed everything down. As soon as it got too our lunch break I went to my trailer to check my phone to see of I'd had anything from her. As I was about to click on her number I was getting a call off my mum.

Me: Hey mum. Is everything OK?

Mum: Hi baby. I'm not sure how to say this, but are you on your own?

Me: yeah I'm in my trailer. Your starting to worry me.

Mum: well I just saw Y/Ns dad. He seemed pretty broken up.

Me: what are you talking about.

Mum: it's Y/N, she's MIA. They've not managed to find her unit since their convoy left the base last month.

Me: please tell me your joking.

Mum: I wish I was baby. There was an ambush and they found some of the unit dead but the rest have gone missing. I just thought you should know since she's your best friend and shes like a daughter to me.

Me: thank you mum. I have to go back to work. I love you.

Mum: I love you to baby. Call me if you need me.

After the call ended I just broke down in my trailer. I was too busy sobbing my heart out to realise that Scarlett had let herself in my trailer.
"Hey they need us on set" she said before she walked fully inside. As soon as she saw my state she ran over to me and wrapped me in her arms.
"Hey, what's happened?" She asked as soon as my crying started to calm down.
"It's Y/N. Her convoy last month was ambushed and some of her unit is dead and the rest is MIA." I said in between sobs. I just tightened my grip around her afraid to let go.
"I'm so sorry Lizzie. I'll go tell everyone that your done for the day and I'll drive you home okay?" She said and I just nodded. She left my trailer to go and let them know I wasn't in the right mind frame and she came back just as fast. She picked up all of my things as I was just stood there, numb. I was soon brought out of my mind when she grabbed my hand and started to walk me towards my car. She opened the passenger side open for me and then walked around to the drivers side. As soon as I noticed that she was pulling up to my house I quickly snapped from my thoughts.
"This isn't home scar" I told her with a blank look on my face.
"It's your house Lizzie" she said as she looked over at me concerned.
"No I've not been here in a month and I dont want to go in there now. I want to go home. To Y/Ns" I told her as she just sighed and started driving me home.
I had always had feelings for her ever since we met. I was scared that no one would accept me and I didn't want to lose her even if we stayed as friends. Everytime I was around her I would get butterflies even by the slightest touch. I just didn't know if she felt the same and now I might never know.

I'm sure Robbie isn't like this in real life. So no hate on the guy I'm just doing it to add some drama.

Thank you guys

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