Fly (E.O)

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Requested by elxlizzie

Y/N pov

I woke up this morning earlier than my wife. We both usually get up together but she's been working hard lately so I decided to let her sleep. I started to make some breakfast for Lily and myself and put some waffles away in the oven for when lizzie wakes up. Lily is our 3 year old daughter and she is pretty much a little lizzie. She looks the spitting image of her. As soon as we were finished eating and I washed our dishes before getting Lily ready for the day.

"We've got to be very quiet because mummy's still fast asleep." I whispered to her

"Otay mama." She whispered back making me smile. I got her dressed in a blue top and white trousers with her blue sandals.

"Look at that. My princess even more beautiful than her mummy." I said as I kissed her forehead after getting her dressed. "Just don't tell mummy I said that. She'll be mad." I told her making her giggle. I carried her downstairs to the living room as we both sat on the sofa.

"So what do you want to watch princess?" I asked her as I turned the TV on.

"Frozen." She said quietly as I put Disney+ on. As we were both watching the film she dragged me up to sing and dance when the songs came on.

Lizzie's pov

When I woke up I noticed that the bed was empty and Y/Ns side was cold. I checked the time and saw that it was almost 11am so I quickly shot up and ran to do my morning routine and got ready for the day with having the weekend off to spend with my family. Once I was ready I made my way downstairs and heard Y/N singing goofily and Lily's giggles. When I reached the living room, what I saw made my heart soar. I watched as Y/N danced around the living room with Lily in her arms while playing her favorite record on the record player. Which happens to be our wedding song which made me smile wider at the memory.

"Look mummy's up." Lily squealed as I smiled widely at the two of them.

"Yeah she is. Let's go give her a morning cuddles and kisses." She said to our daughter matching her energy making me giggle at the pair

"Fly?" Lily asked her.

"Fly." She nodded as she held Lily from her stomach and legs as Lily stuck her arms out like wings as they both made whooshing noises.

"Good morning mummy." Lily said as she jumped in my arms.

"Good morning sunshine." I said as I peppered kisses all over her face making her laugh

"Good morning my love." Y/N said as she gave me a soft kiss.

"Good morning baby." I said as I got lost in those eyes I fell in love with.

"Oh mummy, mama made you breakfast." Lily shouted excitedly.

"Oh did she now." I teased them both as she went into the kitchen to get my breakfast ready. I sat at the island with Lily on my lap. When my breakfast was placed in front of me she sat Lily down next to me with some fruit to snack on.

"So what should we do today?" Y/N asked us both as we both mainly looked at Lily.

"Can we go for picnic in the park pwease." She asked with her puppy dog eyes.

"Of course we can sweetheart. I shall get the food and drinks ready. What would you like on your sandwich?" She asked our daughter as she knelt down to her level.

"Peanut butter and Nutella." She asked with pleading eyes.

"Well since you've been good helping mama this morning so why not." Y/N said as she bopped the small child's nose. I loved watching them both together, as much as she looks like me she acts like Y/N. She even eats like her. I washed my plate as Y/N playfully slapped my butt, making me squeal.

"Behave daddy." I whispered sternly as I tilted my head.

"Now thats not fair." She said with a pout.

"What's not fair?" I asked innocently.

"You calling me that and the head tilt." She said as she looked around to make sure Lily wasn't in ear shot. "You know I can't help but picture you in your Civil war Wanda suit. You know what that does to me."

"Well that's good to know." I said as I wrapped my arms around her neck as she leant down to press a gentle passionate kiss to my lip. "Well come on, we've got a picnic to go to." I said as I gave her another peck before getting Lily sorted to head out and have a fun day with my family.

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