Kidnapping for Love(E.O)

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Requested by DestinySasser
Clearly a fantasy for every simp here

Y/N pov

I was out getting some food ready to head to my friends for a small hang out. That was until I bumped into someone on my way there.

"I'm so sorry." A sweet voice sounded as I picked up my things.

"No its fine, don't worry about it." I said as I waved her off.

"No its my fault, I should've watched where I was going." She said as she helped me pick up my things. "Let me give you a lift to where it is you're headed."

Once I looked up I was met by the most captivating eyes. She was beautiful.

"No that's OK, I'll be fine." I said as i tried to walk away.

"Please I insist. It would make me feel better." She said as she gripped my wrist. I just nodded and let her lead the way. I put my bag in the backseat before situating myself in the passenger seat. I gave her the address of my friend's but I noticed that she was driving to the other side of New York.

"Where are we going?" I asked her nervously.

"Where going home." She said softly. My anxiety was starting to kick in. I had no idea what was happening. "I've been watching you for a while now and I just had to take the opportunity to get to know you." We were on the outside of new York. I watched as she pulled up to an old house on a field. Far from any other houses.

"What do you want from me?" I asked her with a raised voice trying to sound confident.

"Oh I just want you." She said with a smirk before everything went black.

Lizzie's pov

I had been watching this girl for weeks now and there was something about her that just captivated me. I had no idea what but I had to get to know her. I carried her in the house and lay her on the sofa before going back out to get the bags from the car. I locked the doors and windows as I made my way to the kitchen to cook some dinner for us both. Once I walked back into the living room she was starting to stir awake. I sat on the arm and watched her wake up.

"What the hell. Why are you doing this." She asked me as she jumped back.

"Dinners ready." I told her softly.

"People will look for me." She shouted as I just walked away. I brought in our food and handed her hers. She looked at it then at me as I began to eat mine.

"Eat." I said to her as I studied her.

"What's in it?" She asked clearly not trusting me.

"Nothing is in it. Its fine just eat." I said slightly irritated.

"You will go down for this you know." She said as she crossed her arms.

"No I won't. Because you're parents died when you were in school. You have no siblings and all of your friends are probably too high to know that you're missing. So just eat and enjoy being here." I told her with a smirk.

"Fine." She said as she hastily grabbed her fork and started to hesitantly eat. I smiled when she tried to hide a moan and a satisfied smile. It looks like she hasn't had a home cooked meal since she was in school. After awhile, I gave her some comfy clothes for bed and shown her to my room.

Y/N pov

It has been weeks since I have been here and honestly I thought that she was a completely crazy woman. She wouldn't let me outside of the house. She would make sure that everywhere was locked when she left to get groceries. She cooked every meal and it was honestly delicious. She was actually really sweet. She has a sweet voice and her eyes are absolutely captivating. But I just push those feelings aside because she kidnapped me. But she was right that no one would come looking for me. I had no one really, even my friends don't seem to realise that I have been missing for so long.

At the moment she was out so I decided that I would play around on her guitar for a bit. I was in my own world and didn't hear her come in.

"That was really good." She said with a soft smile. I felt the butterflies in my stomach start to go wild.

"Th..thank you." I stuttered and looked down to hide my blush. I was mentally scolding myself for letting myself feel this way about her.

I kept telling myself for the next few weeks that it was only because I hadn't seen anyone else and she was the only source of human contact.

It wasn't until she tripped down the stairs that I realised that I actually care for her. I helped her with her ankle and cooked for her until she was able to get back on her feet.

"Why didn't you take that as you're chance to try and break free?" She asked me as I held ice to her swollen ankle.

"Because you were right. No one cares that I've been missing for a couple of months now. My friends don't even seem to care and my parents died years ago so really I have no one." I told her honestly as I avoided eye contact.

"I'm sorry." She said shamefully. "I only really wanted to get to know you more from when I first saw you. You drew me in and I just had to know you."

"Well you could've asked me out for coffee or a burger." I teased her with a smirk.

"Yeah, you're right. My method was a bit too extreme." She said softly.

"Just a bit?" I tilted my head.

"Ok maybe alot." She laughed. I loved that laugh and I think I'm actually falling for my kidnapper. This is so messed up. I hadn't realised how close our faces had gotten until she closed the gap and kissed me softly. I felt fireworks go off as we kissed. When we pulled apart she looked at me in shock. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that."

"It's OK, I liked it." I said with a smirk. "Maybe we could try this the normal way?" I asked her hesitantly.

"Sure we can. But I just dont think I'm ready to lose you just yet." She said quietly.

"Well I'll give you my number and we can do this. You have actually been really kind to me. You could've hit me or tied me up but you didn't. You trusted that I had no where to go. So I think we could do this. I will give you my address as well and we can date properly." I reassured her. "And I actually think I'm falling for you. Yeah it's not the most conventional method but I have and I hope you would catch me."

"Of course I would catch you." She said with a smile. "Come on then. Here's your phone, I've kept it charged for you and my numbers already in it." She said as we walked to her car. She drove me home and that night I texted her for our first proper date.

That was how our relationship started, it was messed up to begin with but I wouldn't change the way I feel for her now for anyone. It's one hell of a story for our grandkids.

I hope you guys enjoyed this one.

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