Instagram Live Interview (E.O)

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Requested by Alex_2151

Y/N and Lizzie have been married for almost five years. They met at a book store in New York nearby NYU where they both attended. From then they became friends and then Y/N had finally confessed their feelings to Lizzie nervously which Lizzie stopped their rambling with a kiss. When it came to their first time together, Lizzie wasn't bothered by Y/N being intersex. She found them even more attractive with their honesty and didn't care that they were different. She loved Y/N regardless. When Lizzie became an actress, Y/N became a top chef in one of New York's most prestigious restaurants. When Y/N had made enough money to open their own restaurant which soon became popular to the public and celebrities. When that one took off and Y/N had found another chef to take over for them as they moved with Lizzie back to LA. They decided to open another restaurant closer to home which also turned out to be a successful as the one in New York. Y/N had also started to give out cooking tips on Tiktok for those who love cooking. They also done other Tiktoks around Lizzie's garden trying to give hints to their fans on who their spouse is. So they are currently doing one now.

"As you can see my gardener makes sure that the plants and vegetables are all insect free. Sometimes I do feel like we need to form an insect helpline to save them from her wrath." They said as they shown all of their fruits and vegetables.

They saw some people asking who their wife was.

"Well she is a beautiful green eyed woman. You've probably already seen her around." They teased them. "Oohh the tomatoes are ready to be picked. They would surely make a nice tomato rue for the pasta tonight." They started to pick one and gave it a squeeze. "Ooh its ripe too." They spoke all giddy like not realising that Lizzie was stood by the door watching them do their tiktok live. They soon saw questions asking if their wife is famous or not. "Oh yeah she is quite famous among people. Especially with her hands." They smirked. They saw a lot of comments of her being a hand model, dermotologist or a nail technitian. They signed off their live when they caught sight of their wife stood by the door with her lip between her teeth. Y/N approached her with a smile as they saw their wife in all her beauty.

"Hey my love." Y/N greeted her with a bright smile as Lizzie wrapped her arms around their neck.

"Hey baby." She whispered as she gave them a soft kiss before they were pulled apart by the 4yr twins Ollie and Alex as they both ran to Y/N. They both talked non stop about what they had saw today on set with their mum. When they both decided to go and watch cartoons, Lizzie followed Y/N into the kitchen as they started to prepare their dinner. "So I have an Instagram Live interview tomorrow with E!" She told them as she watched them work the knife.

"That's amazing my love." They beamed as they glanced over at her.

"So I will be using the bedroom tomorrow ok." She told Y/N who just smiled.

"That is fine. I don't mind getting kicked out of my own room by you." They smirked as Lizzie playfully pushed their shoulder.

"Thank you. I was hoping you'd be able to keep the kids occupied tomorrow as well because my mum can't have them." She asked them nervously.

"That is totally fine. I will let Dave know that he will have to cover me." They said as they got out their phone to text Dave. Lizzie sighed in relief as she didn't think they would be able to since it is an important interview. She kissed their cheek before she went to check on the twins.

The next day Lizzie was getting herself ready at her vanity table as Y/N got the twins ready for the day. They were both excited to spend time with Y/N as they work quite a lot but when they do spend time together they have a lot of fun.

Lizzie had answered plenty of questions about her upcoming projects before the interviewer started with the personal ones.

"So we have seen on your lives that you have a wife/husband and everyone is going wild at figuring it out. Can you tell us anything about them?" They asked her.

"I've seen the comments of them guessing who they are and some of the guesses are quite funny." Lizzie chuckled before she continued. "I can't tell you who they are but all I can say is that they are amazing and we have been together for nearly 10 years and married for almost 6. So I haven't gotten tired of them yet." Lizzie finished as they both laughed.

"They sound amazing." They replied as Lizzie smiled brightly thinking about their partner.

"They really are. They always make me happy. Very happy." She beamed at them.

"I can tell." They smirked. "So do you and your partner ever think of having children?"

"We actually have two 4 year old boys." Lizzie beamed at them. "They look so much like their mama/daddy."

"I'm sure that they are adorable." They beamed. before Lizzie could answer she heard the bedroom door burst open and the twins ran inside and jumped on the bed giggling as Y/N peeked their head around the door frame whispering to the kids who just kept taunting them. Lizzie smiled at the three of them and when Y/N noticed their wife watching them, their eyes widened as they looked like a deer caught in headlights. "Is that Y/N Y/L/N?" They gasped as they noticed the famous TikTok Chef in the frame. But Lizzie barely heard them because she was watching the three of them. She was soon broken out of her trance when the interviewer spoke. "That explains the same locations in both of your live streams. So everyone was wrong all this time."

The rest of the interview went by fast since Lizzie wanted to spend time with her family, having a nice evening on the sofa watching movies and eating their weight in snacks.


A nice little fluffy chapter. Let me know what you guys think

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