My Anchor (W.M)

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Requested by @AkhoLhangIthow

Wandas pov

I was making my way through new York to visit Y/N. We had both lost people we loved. I had lost vision and Y/N had lost nat. Before all of that had happened we were best friends and then I pushed everyone away after losing vision. I don't even know if she wants to see me again since it has been so long and I just left.

I took a deep breath before knocking on her door. I had second thoughts and tries to leave when the door opened.

"Wanda?" I heard her say before I turned around to face her.

"Hey Y/N." I said quietly with my head down.

"Do you uh want to come in?" She asked awkwardly while I just nodded. She stepped aside to let me in. Once she closed the door I followed her into the kitchen. "Do you want something to drink?" She asked me as she walked over to her fridge and got herself a beer out.

"Water please." I asked shyly as she got me a bottle from the fridge. "So how have you been?"

"Just cut the shit Wanda, what are you actually doing here?" She asked as she turned to face me.

"I missed you and I felt like shit that I left straight after Tony's funeral. I'm sorry I wasn't there with you after to help you." I said with a shaky voice.

"Yeah, you left me wands. I had no idea where you went. Even after westview, you still left. I had no one to help me through it. I would've helped you too. I would've been there like I helped you through pietro and then vision came along and you had no time for me. Even after I helped you during the accords. You just cast me aside like I meant nothing to you. We were best friends Wanda. Best friends." She shouted at me.

"I know that I had hurt you Y/N but I needed to get a handle on my own grief. I couldn't push mine aside just so I could be there for you. I needed to heal myself." I told her softly.

"I would've been there for you wands. I have always been there for you. You are my best friend. We could've gotten through it together." She said sadly. I just sighed before I turned to leave. "Where are you going?"

"I'm going it's clear I'm not wanted here." I told her sadly.

"No, you can stay here. I know you haven't got any where else to stay." She said softly as she took my hand and led me to the spare room. "If you need anything just let me know." She said before she left the room.

As the days went on, I was slowly getting my best friend back. I know that we both have a lot to work on together but we're getting there. We've been having movie nights like we used to and we've be playing board games as well. I also found out that Y/N is now a police officer. She didn't stick with saving the world except just saving the community. I do get worried every time they go out to work but my worries soon subside when she walks back through that door. But lately I have had the scarlet witch in my head saying things.

"You don't need attachments. They make you weak."

"You need to get rid of her."

"You need to reach your full potential and you can't while your still holding on to the past."

It's starting to really freak me out because I could never dream about hurting Y/N but lately the scarlet witch has put visions in my head. Each vision is me hurting Y/N in some way but lately they have gotten worse. They are me killing her. I couldn't lose her. She's the only family I have left.

I found myself in a trance one night making my way into Y/Ns room. I had my powers ready to attack but I wasn't controlling it. I tried so hard to stop but I couldn't. She was too strong.

Elizabeth Olsen/Wanda Maximoff One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now