I'm Here (E.O)

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Requested by @darkandtwistedmind20
Suicide and depression

Lizzie's pov

I was going home today to see my parents, I haven't seen them in so long since we have been filming alot and with being engaged to Robbie. I walked inside my mums hand in hand with Robbie to be instantly hugged by my mum.

"Hi Lizzie, it's so good to have you home. I've missed you." She said with a wide smile. "Hi Robbie." She greeted Robbie before looking back to me. "Y/Ns here. She's been back for a few months."

"What?" I asked her with widened eyes remembering how we left things.

"Yeah she's in the kitchen with the twins catching up." She said with a wide smile. It's going to be hard since I was the one who broke her heart before she left to go on her first tour. "Come on you should say hi." She said as she dragged me into the kitchen. When our eyes met I noticed how empty her eyes were. Like there was no emotion behind her smile that she sent my way.

"Hi Liz, it's been too long." She said as she pulled me in for a small hug.

"Hi Y/N, you look good." I said with a soft smile as Robbie cleared his throat next to me. "Oh yeah, this is Robbie." I said as I motioned towards him.

"Hi I'm her fiancé, Robbie." He said as he held out his hand for her to shake which she hesitated

"It's nice to meet you Robbie. I'm Y/N." She said as she shook his hand quickly. I watched as she made her way outside in the yard.

"Shes weird." Robbie said as we all looked at him. "What?"

"She's not weird." I told him sternly.

"She's just been through a lot this last year." My mum said as I looked at her in shock not knowing anything.

"Well she's still weird." He scoffed as my mum and sisters just glared at him before he walked into the living room.

"I really don't like him." Ashley said as her eyes followed him in disgust.

"Yeah you deserve better." MK said as she hugged me.

"I always thought that you and Y/N would've been married by now." My mum said earning a scoff from me.

"Really, we ended it years ago. I've moved on." I said as I ran my hand through my hair.

"Yeah with jesus 2.0 in there." Ashley said with a smirk making MK laugh while I glared at the two of them.

"Hey, he is actually a nice guy if you give him a chance." I told them both sternly.

"Well I'm sorry sis, but I just dont think he's right for you." Ashley said softly.

"Well anyway, what did you mean before mum?" I asked my mum.

"It's not really my place to say." She said as she looked away.

"How bad was it mum?" I asked her as I saw her eyes start to gloss over.

"It was the worst I've seen her go through." She said as she looked through the kitchen window. We saw her stood at the edge of the pool having a cigarette.

"Did she get through it?" I asked her hopefully.

"No, I know that shes still hurting alot. She saw a lot of horror on her last tour and she looks like she has no emotions now. She's so closed off." She told me as I felt a tear fall down my cheeks.

"Hey, Elizabeth what's this?" Robbie asked as he stormed into the kitchen. My eyes widened at what he had in his hand.

"I can explain." I said quietly as I looked at the photo in his hand.

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