I Blame You (E.O)

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Requested by razer26
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Y/N pov

My wife of 3 years is currently pregnant and ready to pop at any moment with our baby boy. I'm currently in my studio working on a new song for him. I honestly can't wait to meet the little guy. As soon as I had finished on the song I left my studio and started towards the kitchen to find Lizzie passed out on the floor. I quickly ran to her sliding on the kitchen floor. There was blood everywhere, I reached for my phone and dialled 911 which they sent an ambulance quickly. I quickly rang our families to tell them and they said that  they would meet us there. I watched as they wheeled her into an operating theatre. My mind was running on overdrive with worry for them both. I couldn't lose either of them I won't.

"Hey,  where is she?" Jarnie asked as she walked up and pulled me in for a hug.

"She's in surgery, they haven't told me anything yet." I said as I ran my hand through my hair. "I didn't even hear her if she called out to me. Its my fault."

"No its not. Sometimes these things happen so don't blame yourself for anything." She told me softly before a doctor came out to us.

"Mrs Y/L/N?" They said.

"Yeah that's me." I said as I quickly walked upto them. "How are they?"

"You're wife is fine. She's in recovery right now but I'm sorry there was nothing we could do to resuscitate your baby." They said sadly. I just froze. We were both so happy to start our own family just for it to be ripped away from us. It's going to break her heart when she comes to.

"Can I see them?" I asked which he just nodded and lead me to where they kept our boy. I sobbed as I saw his grey coloured skin and blue lips, void of life. I don't know how to tell her. This was supposed to be a happy day. I picked him up and held him close to me. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you my little warrior. I honestly don't know how you're mummy is going to take this but I promise you that I will try my best to help her through it." I kissed his head before I put him back down. I walked out of the room to be met by jarnies sad eyes before we went to see Elizabeth. When we reached her room I sat down next to her and held her hand. It felt like hours waiting for her to wake up.

"Where's Ollie?" I heard her ask as I looked at jarnie for help. "I'm only going to ask once more. Where is my baby?" She said a bit more aggressively. I just looked at her and shook my head.

"I'm so sorry sweetheart." I told her as tears streamed down my face.

"No, you're joking." She said as she shook her head. "Please tell me you're joking?"

"I'm sorry Lizzie but it's not a joke." I told her as I ran my hands through her hair which she slapped away.

"DONT. Mum, please tell me she's joking." She pleaded with jarnie.

"I'm so sorry baby girl. She's not joking." She said as she held her other hand.

"No. No no no. This has to be a nightmare and I'm going to wake up still pregnant in my bed." She said with disbelief.

"Im sorry love. I wish it was a nightmare." I told her softly as I looked in her eyes. I saw nothing in them. No emotion before she turned to her mum and clutched onto her jacket and sobbed violently while her mum held her close. As I watched my wife break it broke my heart more because she didn't want me.

"I want to see him." She stated as she wiped her eyes

"I'll go and get a wheelchair for you and I'll take you." I said as I stood up.

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