I Don't Think I'm Ready For This (E.O)

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Requested by scarlettlizziesslut

Lizzie GiP

Y/N pov

I was meeting my sister on set of her new avengers movie. I signed the NDA forms as I passed through security. I had a day off and Ivy was with her grandma for the week. I have a 2 year old daughter who is everything to me. I would do anything to protect her from anyone or anything. She is my whole world despite how she came to be. I walked on set and was instantly greeted by Chris Evans. 

"How's my favourite Johansson?" He asked as he gave me a squeeze.

"I'm awesome. Enjoying some time off and thought I would come and visit Scar." I said as we pulled away and we walked with my arm wrapped in his.

"How's my Ivy?" He asked as we walked further.

"She's amazing. She's probably running circles around her grandma right now." I said as we both chuckled.

"She's grown up so fast." He said with a smile. I have known Chris since he first worked with Scar when they were younger. "Oh we've got a few new members as well." He warned me as we walked towards Scar who was in a deep conversation with the Russo Brothers. I saw that I had the eyes of the new members on me and gripped onto Chris's arm tighter. He pulled me closer since he knows that I don't do well with meeting new people since what happened. He helped me through it and I've always thought of him like a big brother.

"Hey Scar." I said loud enough for her to hear us. She turned in our direction and ran to give me a tight hug. 

"Hey Y/N." She greeted me with a smile before she let go of me.

Lizzie's pov

I watched Chris walk in with a woman I hadn't seen before. They both seemed really close with how they held on to each other. I watched as Scar ran up to her and gave her a tight hug with a smile I hadn't seen her use before. I had completely forgotten about Aaron and Paul talking to me.

"Who do you think that is?" I asked them quietly as they looked in the same direction as me.

"I don't know, Chris's girlfriend maybe?" Aaron guessed as he shrugged his shoulders.

"It's Scarlett's younger sister. She used to visit Scarlett on set all the time until she stopped coming for a while. I'm not sure what happened between them but it's great to see her around here again." Paul told us softly. Aaron and I both nodded in acknowledgement. All three of us were shocked when we saw her coming over with Chris and Scar.

"Hey guys, this is my sister Y/N. This is Elizabeth Olsen and Aaron Taylor Johnson, and you might remember Paul." Scar said as she introduced us.

"Hi it's nice to meet you guys." She said shyly as she stayed at Scarlett's side. I was curiously why that is.

"You can call me Lizzie, Elizabeth is to formal and makes me sound too important." I said as I held my hand out for her to shake. I noticed Scar nudge her to shake it which she hesitantly did. She smiled shyly which I returned. I watched as the three of them walked away. All I knew right now was that I needed to get to know her. There was something about her that pulled me in. 

I spent everyday that she came to see Scar talking to her and getting her to open up to me. By what I could tell is that she has been hurt before but I just didn't know how. I don't think I want to know. I was starting to fall for her, every time we would hang out or she would smile. It made the butterflies in my stomach go wild. I knew that she was off limits so I decided to talk to Scar about it.

"Hey Scar." I greeted her as I walked up to her.

"Hey Liz, are you ok?" She asked me concerned.

"Yeah, I'm uh I'm good. I just need to ask you something?" I said nervously as I played with my fingers.

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