My Doctor (E.O)

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Requested by @Elliane_Sanchez
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Smut warning

Lizzie's pov

Robbie and I have been engaged for a little over a year now, and I know that my biological clock is running out. So I decided to go to my doctor to get a check up to make sure that everything is fine and working properly. We haven't really spoke about having kids but I know that I want to have them. I guess it's just my nurturing instinct. So I am sat in the office waiting to be called in.

"Ms Olsen." A nurse called. I got up and followed her into a room. There was already a doctor in there but they're not my regular doctor.

"Hi, I'm Dr Y/L/N. I'm taking over Dr Smiths patients while they are on personal leave." They said as they turned around. I couldn't help but gaze into their bright blue eyes. "So what seems to be the problem?" They asked as they gave me their full attention.

"My fiancé and I are getting married soon and I wanted to make sure that I was able to have children." I rambled nervously as I took in their features.

"Ok, we will have to do some tests just to be thorough. Can I take your blood pressure?" They asked me with a kind smile.

"Of course." I replied as I rolled up my sleeve. I noticed that they had a scar on their cheek, and the veins on their arms and hands popped out. You could see the muscle definition in the lower arms and I couldn't help but wonder what the rest of their body is like.

"We can get some of the tests done today if that's OK?" They asked breaking me out of my trance.

"Yeah, sure." I said trying to hide my nerves.

I took every ounce of control I had to get through the tests. The way their strong hands touched me as they done the tests. I was a nervous wreck around them. They made me feel things that I shouldn't. I'm getting married soon and this person is like a drug to me. They have completely drew me in with just one meeting.

"Well that's all for today Ms Olsen. Once I have the results I will call you in." They said as they wrote some notes down.

"Thank you for everything Dr Y/L/N." I said as I shook their hand. I left with a final look at them before closing the door. I went to meet Aubrey for a coffee after my appointment. I walked up to her table and greeted her before we  both ordered.

"So how's Robbie?" She asked me with a smirk.

"He's great. He's on tour at the moment with his band and won't be back for another  six months." I said as I took a sip off my coffee.

"That's great. When are you both getting married?" She asked me with a smirk.

"Urm next spring." I told her with a small smile.

"Oh my god. Its that new doctor that's recently flew in from New York." Aubrey gasped as she looked to the door. I followed her gaze to see Dr Y/L/N walking up to the counter. "That's Dr Y/L/N, they're only the hottest doctor in the country. And they're only 25. They graduated college at 18." She rambled on as she was acting like a stalker.

"They're just a normal person you know." I told her which she just shook me off.

"No they're not. They're smart, sexy and they would turn all straight women gay. Just to feel her strong arms around you would be a dream come true." She said  with dreamy eyes at them.

"Would you please stop that. If you're going to fantasise about please do it at home." I told her.

"Ms Olsen." I heard they're voice.

"Oh hi Dr Y/L/N." I greeted them with a smile.

"Please call me Y/N. I saw you over here and I thought that I would just say hello to you and you're friend here." They said with a soft smile which soon turned into a smirk when Aubrey let out an excited squeal. I bit my lip to conceal my laugh as they turned to introduce themselves to Aubrey who may as well been a pool of flesh at this rate. "Well I was nice seeing you again. I've got to get back to the office." They said with a smile.

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