Tease (E.O)

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Requested by Lizziesmommymilkers
Smut warning ⚠️
Dom Lizzie GiP x Sub reader.

Lizzies pov

We were all sat in the breakroom on set just laughing and talking about everything. Y/N came to sit on my lap, well more like grind on it making me groan and get hard. She knows what she's doing because she has a smirk on her face. Everyone knows that were in a relationship so it's not new for her to be sitting on my lap. Next she 'accidentally' drops her phone and next thing I know is that she is bending over I front of me. I can see the thong she's wearing underneath her skirt. She knows that she's teasing me but she's not going to get out of it that easily. When she sits back down the back of her skirt had ridden up so in poking her ass with my growing bulge and she can feel it because she starts to move her hips again. I harshly grip her hips to stop her movements

"You're going to pay for this." I whispered in her ear before I nibbled on it. "As much as I'd like to continue this, I've got something to do."

I pushed Y/N to stand up off my lap as I stood behind her.

"Oh yeah you do." Scar said as she wriggled her eyebrows as I dragged Y/N out by her hands. I dragged her over to my trailer before letting her in. Once I had locked the door I pushed her up against it.

"That was a very dangerous game you were playing baby." I told her as I wrapped my hand around her neck squeezing slightly as my other hand rested on the door beside her head. I saw her eyes roll to the back of her head at my action.

"I don't know what your on about." She said failing to act innocent.

"Yeah you do. You know very well." I told her as i pressed my body further into her. I heard her moan lowly as she felt my hardened cock on her core as she bucked her hips. "Ah ah ah. You do as I say princess." I said as I gripped her jaw to make her look at me. I saw her darkened eyes bore into mine. I kissed her roughly as she wrapped her hands around my neck which I instantly removed and pinned beside her. "No touching princess understand."

"Yes." She breathed out before I slammed my lips back on hers in a hungry kiss. I harshly gripped her ass making her moan giving me the opportunity to slip my tongue. As the kiss got quicker I hiked up her skirt and started to tease her clit through her thong making her squirm. Once I had pulled away from her completely she whined at the loss of contact.

"Strip now." I told her as I watched her strip herself as fast as she could. I love it when she's submissive. "On your knees. You know what to do." I told her as I watched her drop to her knees and unbuckled my belt and took off my trousers and boxers. "Look at me princess." I cooed as she took my whole length in her mouth. One of the best things about her is she doesn't have a gag reflex. She hollowed out her cheeks as she sucked and my hand found its way to her hair. I started to buck my hips as I fucked her mouth. It didn't take me too long to release down her throat. I watched as she stood up slowly wiping her mouth with her thumb before sucking the excess cum. I quickly removed my top and bra before turning her around and bending her over the counter.

"You're still on the pill right?" I asked her before I started anything.

"Yes baby." She said before she moaned loudly as I slammed my hardened member into her dripping core. I thrusted hard and fast as her breasts bounced against the counter. The two of us moaning loudly. You could even feel the trailer rocking with our movement. I looked and saw that the window in front of us was in full view. If people walked past they could see us both Stark naked while I fucked her.

"Let's give everyone a show." I grunted as I pulled her up, her back flush against my front. You could see some people walking past the window. "Look all those people will know who you belong to." I said as I continued to thrust in her.

"I'm close baby." She moaned out.

"Not yet. You cum when I say." I said as I started to go faster before pulling out. I pushed her over to the sofa before I sat down and brought her to straddle my lap. "Work for it princess." I told her as she lowered herself down on my cock. I moaned at the sight of her breasts bouncing in my face before taking her nipple in my mouth and sucking harshly. Her movements started to get sloppy telling me that she was getting tired. I held her hips as I started to thrust deeper inside her. She threw her head back in pleasure as I hit her g spot.

"Please can I cum." She begged me. She kept repeating herself when I didn't answer her as I kept battering her beautiful cunt. I felt myself reach my own high.

"Cum with me princess." I told her as I kept my pace. She came all over my cock while I filled her up. She rested her head on my shoulder as she calmed down while I rubbed her back soothingly. "Are you OK?" I asked her softly as she just hummed. I pulled out of her and lay us both down with her on my chest and grabbed the blanket from the back of the sofa to cover us both up. "Take a nap sweetheart." I told her as I kissed her head before slowly falling asleep myself.

I hope you guys enjoyed this one.
Your daily intake of smut 🙃

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