Musical Beers

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Requested by Cowscantdance

Lizzie's pov

I was on Jimmy Kimmel along with a few of my avengers cast mates. Jeremy Renner, Sebastian Stan and Y/N Y/L/N. Somewhere down the line I had zoned out of the interview. I was soon broken out of my thoughts when Y/N squeezed my arm making me look in their direction. They nodded towards Jimmy so I quickly turned my attention back to him.

"So is there any other projects we should look out for of yours?" He asked me.

"No nothing just yet. Although there might be something in the works." I said with a smirk.

"Is it Marvel related?" He asked me eagerly.

"No it's not." I told him making him groan.

"Well we are going to play a game called musical beers." He said as he beckoned the four of us to follow him. He led us to a round table with four red cups sat evenly spread out along the table. Y/N and I walked behind Jeremy and Sebastian and listened as Jimmy explained the rules. We each stood a fair distance from each other and when the music started we started to walk around the table clock wise. Y/N was in front of me and I could see them slowly edging closer to Jeremy. The music stopped and Y/N snatched the cup before Jeremy could and downed it.

"Oh come on." He groaned as Y/N just smirked their signature smirk. I chuckled at their antics. They reset the cups and it was just the four of us left. When the music stopped again she took out Sebastian who just laughed and joined a frowning Jeremy.

"I'm sure they are a secret alcoholic." Jeremy said making us all laugh

"I'm sorry Jerm, I just love my beer." Y/N teased him making us all laugh.

Before I knew it was just Y/N and me with one cup. When the music started they were walking up close behind me. When the music stopped they were right up behind me and their hand on my waist as they tried to get the last cup but I was quicker. I downed the drink keeping eye contact as they just smiled at me. It was a genuine smile and not the triumphant cocky smirk that they give everyone. The smile that they only ever seem to give me.

"There you have it. The winner is Elizabeth Olsen." Jimmy cheered as the band started to play again and I bowed dramatically making everyone laugh.

"Oh come on. Y/N let her win." Jeremy groaned making Sebastian smirk at Y/N.

"No I didn't Jerm. She has just has magical fingers." They teased as Jimmy continued his show as we all went backstage. I couldn't help but blush a deep red at that statement.

"Well I'm going home. I've had enough of being called Jerm for a whole year." Jeremy said with a smile as he hugged us all goodbye before he left.

"That's me aswell." Sebastian said as he hugged us both and whispered something to Y/N.

"So I guess it's just us two?" They said shyly. I have to admit, I have never seen them this shy.

"Yeah it is." I nodded with a smile.

"Do you need a ride?" They asked me as we walked to the exit.

"Sure." I said as they opened the door for me. I smiled in thanks as I passed them.

"Would you like to get some food?" They asked me as we walked to their car.

"Yeah, I could eat." I confirmed as they opened the door for me. Once they were in the drivers side and started driving. "Why are you hanging out with me all of a sudden?" I asked them as I turned to face them.

"Because I enjoy your company. You're different to everyone else. They are all you know to overwhelming sometimes but you are like a breath of fresh air. Your calm and kind." They said softly as they went through McDonalds drive through. They ordered for the both of us and we sat in the car just eating like two teenagers with out a care in the world. "I like you Elizabeth." They confessed as they looked in my eyes intensely.

"I really like you too." I told them softly then something clicked. "You did let me win!!" I exclaimed making them laugh.

"Well I wanted everyone to see that beautiful smile." They said softly. I kissed their cheek softly before finishing my food.

A nice short fluffy one for you guys.
Hope you enjoy it

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