Knight In Shining Armour (E.O)

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Lizzie's pov

I was woken up by Logan's cries so I jumped out of bed to change him and feed him but I noticed that he wasn't taking it. I checked his temperature and noticed that he had a slight fever. I quickly got my phone and called the out of hours peadiatrician. I waited until I was put through to someone.

"This is Dr Y/L/N, how may I help?" They asked softly. I explained to them everything that had happened through the night before they spoke again. "Well if you could bring him down to the clinic I will push through and get you both seen." They told me softly. I agreed and quickly got everything ready not caring that I was still in my pajamas. I made sure that Logan was strapped in his seat securely before heading towards the clinic. I didn't even care that my hair was a mess. I made it there quickly because there was no traffic. I grabbed everything before taking my son from his car seat before walking inside to talk to the receptionist. After giving my name they told me to take a seat which I did and didn't have to wait too long until a tall Dr walked out of one of the consultation rooms wearing a light blue shirt with beige pants.

"Miss Olsen?" They spoke softly as I stood up with Logan in my arms. They took his bag off of me as we walked into the room. They placed my bag by the bed as I sat with Logan in my arms. "So he is being a fussy little guy?" They spoke in a baby voice as they checked him over. I watched intently as they made sure that they hadn't left a single stone unturned. "So it seems he has got a little viral infection. So pretty much it's paracetamol to get his temperature down and try to feed him as often as you can even if he takes as little as possible. If he doesn't make any improvements come back and see me." They said as they gave me a prescription.

"Thank you so much." I said with a smile as I put the pprescription in Logan's bag. "Is it possible to have your number so if I have any questions or doubts." I asked them nervously.

"Of course. Here's my mobile number. If you have any worries about him just give me a call ok." They smiled before they opened the door for us both as they walked us out to my car. They opened the door for me to situate Logan in his seat before I bid my goodbye and started to drive home. That was my first encounter with the good Dr Y/L/N.

It wasn't until a week later that I needed to call them as Logan wasn't keeping anything down and I didn't know what to do. I felt bad when they told me that they were at a work dinner but when I tried to apologised they brushed it off and told me it was boring and was full of the older Drs talking about the olden days and that they would rather spend time with their favorite patient. I couldn't help but smile at the way they were with Logan. They managed to help me calm him down and set him down for the night before bidding goodbye. That was the first night in a long time that I had gotten a full nights sleep.

After the numerous amount of times that I had called them out for little things, I decided to ask them to come over for dinner and cook for them as a thank you which they accepted. What I didn't realise was that they kept doing those visits off the books so I didn't get charged by the insurance company which I was extremely grateful since I didn't earn much with being a teacher. My mum was having Logan for the night while I cooked as she teased me about it being a crush on the baby's doctor. Of course I kept denying it but I knew deep down that it was true. This was just an excuse to get to know them some more outside of them being my Logan's doctor. When I heard my door bell ring I straightened out my dress before going to answer it.

"Hey Lizzie." They beamed at me as they held a bouquet of yellow daisies.

"Hi Y/N. Please come on in." I returned their smile as I stepped aside.

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