Can We Get Pancakes (W.M)

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Y/N pov

We were at the final Hydra base to finally take down Pierce. We had split up into groups to try and find him faster. I was paired with my girlfriend Wanda. We were fighting the agents off as they kept swarming us from every direction. When we had reached Pierce's office, there was only a few agents with him. Wanda and myself were the first ones there. Wanda had her wiggly woos ready while I had my glocks aimed and ready.
"Well if it isn't two of my favourite experiments" he said with a sadistic smirk.
"We don't work for you no more you piece of shit" I spat back at him as I kept a gun aimed at his head. As he kept talking the rest of avengers walked in.
"Well if it isn't the winter soldier himself. Come back to finish your mission for us." He said as he looked past us to bucky.
"No we've come to finish hydra once and for all" bucky said as he stepped forward. Pierce then started to say his trigger words. As bucky started to grip his head and shout I decided to pull the trigger and plant a slug right in between his eyes. We all started to fight the last of the agents. Once they were all down we all made our way back to the quinjet. As soon as Steve got us all in the air Tony was the first one to speak.
"We were supposed to bring him in Y/N not kill him." He scolded me as I was stood near the back of the jet.
"Well if I didn't do that then bucky wouldn't be bucky anymore." I shouted back at him.
"We could've got him back like steve did last time" he shouted as he stepped forward.
"At what cost Tony. Have the winter soldier beat Steve up again. You may be able to live with that but Bucky would beat himself up even though it wouldn't be his fault" I shouted as I got in his face. The rest of the avengers were just watching the two of go back and forth arguing.
"Can we get pancakes?" I asked him in the middle of our disagreement which caused him to just stare at me.
"I'm serious. I can go for some pancakes dude" I told him with a smile which he just raised his hands in defeat and walked away causing everyone to laugh. But I did indeed get me some pancakes.

Elizabeth Olsen/Wanda Maximoff One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now