I Will Never Be Him (E.O)

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Requested by bingb0ng242

Y/N pov

I was sat in the trailer waiting for Lizzie to arrive to get her ready for shooting. I looked up from my spot to see a stressed out Lizzie.

"Hey Lizzie, are you ready?" I asked her as she closed the door.

"Hey Y/N. I'm ready." She said with a sigh. I watched as she sat down in the chair ready so I could start.

"Are you ok?" I asked her concerned as I started on her hair.

"I'm sure you don't want to hear about my problems." She waved me off.

"Well I'm here if you need someone to vent to." I told her with a smile which she returned through the mirror.

"It's just trouble at home." She started as I nodded allowing her to continue. "Lately since he's been working later than usual and he's been so distant from me. I don't know what I did wrong." She said sadly which broke my heart for her.

"You probably done nothing wrong Liz. He's probably stressed out from working alot. You know how it is when we do late shoots here." I reassured her.

"I'm not sure. We barely talk anymore. Or spend time together and when we do talk we argue. He points out the smallest things." She said as she waved her hands. "Like I cleaned the house the other day and moved his guitar from the bedroom to his office and he shouted over that. You'd think I threw it away."

"Well why don't you try to talk it out with him. Have a nice calm dinner and just get everything out in the open." I suggested as she just watched me through the mirror.

"I don't think that would work." She whispered.

"Well you love him right?" I asked her as I finished her hair.

"Yeah." She answered.

"And what you have is worth fighting for right?" I asked her.

"Yeah it is. It is worth it. Thank you Y/N." She said as she smiled at me. "I don't understand how you're still single."

"Well you know me. I like to play the field." I teased her as she slapped my arm laughing. "But seriously, I'm just waiting on that one girl that I have been waiting for my whole life."

"Well I'm sure that you will find her soon. She would be lucky to be with you." She said sweetly as she took her outfit to get changed in the bathroom. Little do you know that it's you I've been waiting for.

Lizzie's pov

I took Y/Ns advice and decided to talk things out with Robbie over a nice dinner. I had everything cooked and ready waiting for him to come home. I waited 2 hours until he decided to come through the front door. Well more like stumbled.

"You're drunk." I stated as he tripped over his shoes that he took off.

"Yeah, and?" He slurred as he stood up.

"I texted you today that we needed to talk and you clearly don't care do you." I told him as I ran my hand through my hair.

"That was today?" He asked as he held onto the wall for balance.

"Yes that was today. I wanted us to at least try to be who we used to be or at least get to know us as we are now." I shouted at him.

"Don't you dare shout at me." He shouted back angrily.

"Why? What are you going to do? Go out for another drink if you can make it that far." I shouted at him as I watched his angry expression.

"Why not?" He said as he balled up his fists.

"Because we need to sort this out." I told him as I pointed between the two of us. "I want us to have a future together. I'm just not sure if you want the same." I whispered the last part. I watched his expression faulter.

"You know what Liz, I'm going to sleep in the guest room." He said as he starting walking upstairs. I groaned as I ran my fingers through my hair before I followed him upstairs to go to bed.

The next day I woke up and done my routine before leaving for work. Once I got in the trailer I was met by Y/N who wore a soft smile as she greeted me.

"So how did it go?" She asked as she done my hair.

"It didn't. He came home drunk and just ignored everything I had said and went to sleep in the guest room." I told her as she listened to me. One thing that I like about her is that she listens to me and gives me someone to talk to. She doesn't judge or ridicule me about anything other than offer.me advice. "I just don't know what I'm doing wrong."

"You're doing nothing wrong Liz. You're putting in all the effort for your relationship and he is just, I don't know acting like a man child. If he wants to continue the relationship with you, he needs to start treating you like you deserve." She told me honestly.

"Maybe this is what I deserve." I said sadly.

"No it isn't. You deserve to be loved by someone who would move the sky for you. Who would organise cute little spontaneous dates for when you finish work. Or want to spend every single moment with you showing you how much they love and cherish you." She told me sternly. All I could do was nod my head as she finished getting me ready for filming.

Y/N pov

I hated the fact that she was made to feel like she wasn't worthy of anyones love. If only she knew that I would never treat her like that, but she doesn't see me like that at all. I know I will never have a chance with her at all. But that's the bad thing about falling in love with someone who is just out of reach.

The next week I had off from working with Lizzie so I spent time with my good friend Jennifer Lawrence. We grew up together and she helped me get my job as a stylist after I had finished college.

"So how is it working with Lizzie?" She asked as we both drank our beer.

"It's great." I said with a nod.

"But?" She said with a raised eyebrow.

"It's hard to work for someone who you have feelings for." I sighed as she just looked at me sympathetically. "I should've known not to catch feelings but how could I not. She is this amazing woman. Not just that she is the most beautiful woman in the universe but she is so nurturing, gentle and kind. She's just everything you could ever want in a woman."

"You sound like you're in love with her." She pointed out.

"Yeah I am. But it's no use. She will never give me the chance." I said sadly as I finished my beer.

"Well lucky for you. We have a week just you and I. We're going to go out as much as we can and get you laid as much as you need to feel something else for someone else." She said as I got myself another beer.

"Ok then. Let's help me forget about my tragic heart and it's feelings." I cheered which she just smirked.

The week went by quickly with a lot of alcohol and a lot of women. I thought that it would help get over her but it didn't. I was on my way back to work and waited in the trailer for Lizzie. Once she arrived I noticed the bright smile on her face that we haven't seen in so long.

"Hey Y/N." She said cheerily.

"Hey Liz. You seem better." I pointed out as she sat down in the chair.

"I am. We managed to work everything out. He was just stressed with work and something else." She beamed at me. "He's been totally different and he proposed on Saturday night." She said excitedly as she shown me the ring. I gave her a bright smile as I was breaking inside

"I'm so happy for you Liz. He's a very lucky man." I told her with a soft smile.

"Thank you Y/N." She smiled as she kept glancing at the ring with a wide smile. She's the happiest I have ever seen her and I am truly happy for her. But I am dying inside because I know I will never be him.

I hope you guys enjoyed this one
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