My Green Eyed Beauty (E.O)

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Requested by hotdinoooooo

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Smut warning

Y/N pov

I was currently driving through the streets of new York with my right had guy and two guards. We were going to my favourite restaurant. Well we pretty much have a pull with every restaurant and some of the police. We have been currently working on getting some merchandise to sell in one of the restaurants we use as a front. When we pulled up outside the restaurant I had noticed that there was a lot of people with cameras outside. I wondered why they were there.

"Boss, we have to go. We can't chance anything." One of my guards said.

"No, I was looking forward to Antonio's special and I'm getting it." I said sternly as I stepped out of the car. The four of us pushed past everyone that was hounding the restaurant.

"Is that Scarlett Johansson?" One of my guys said. We looked over and it was the other green eyed beauty that caught my eye. I didn't know their names and I didn't really care for movies or music but I do know that I want nothing more than to know her more.

"I don't care, let's eat." I said as we made our way to our usual spot. It wasn't to far behind their table. We could here snippets of their conversation but then I heard a sound that was like music to my ears and I saw her laugh and I knew that I wanted her. No I needed her.

After we had finished our food I noticed that the girls from before were struggling to leave. So I decided to help them.

"Hey let them pass." I shouted as my guys and I started to act like their security. When I saw one person grip the green eyed girls wrist I snapped. I walked over to the man and punched him and broke his camera before I helped get them through. "Hey we'll give you a ride to where you need to go." I told them as my guys managed to scare them off.

"No that's OK, we'll just get an uber." The green eyed beauty said.

"Please it will make me feel better that you're safe." I told her softly which she just smiled at me. I could honesty see that smile every day and not get bored.

"Ok thank you....." She said waiting for my name.

"Y/N." I said with a smile.

"I'm Elizabeth, but just call me Lizzie." She said as I held the door open for her and her friend. I got in the passenger seat before two of my guys looked at me dumbfounded.

"What about us boss?" One of them scoffed.

"Take a hike." I told them sternly as my driver started the car. After they had told us where to go we drove in a comfortable silence.

"Thank you for before." Lizzie said softly breaking the silence.

"That's OK, I just hated the way he thought he had the right to touch you." I told her honestly. Once we pulled up i walked them both up to their room to make sure they were safe.

"Can I get your number?" She asked me softly which I smiled and gave her my phone to type it in.

"I'll call you later if you would like to go out again." I told her softly before she gave me a kiss on the cheek before I left.

Lizzie's pov

I couldn't believe that I had the confidence to ask for her number. That was not like me at all. I turned around in our room to see Scar smirking at me.

"What Scar?" I asked her as i turned my full body to face her.

"You like her." She stated as i blushed. I turned my head and looked away from her and just ignored her. "Yep you definitely do." She said with a triumphant smile.

Elizabeth Olsen/Wanda Maximoff One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now