Its Yours (E.O)

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Lizzies pov

I've been engaged to Robbie for a little over a year now. I did love him in the beginning but I just don't know how I feel right now. He's currently out with his band practicing leaving me at home until he decides to come home. I have nothing to do so I decided to ring Y/N.

Y/N: Hey doll

Me: Hey do you want to come over and hang out.

Y/N: I don't know liz, the last time he almost caught us.

Me: he's gonna be gone til early hours, please I need you

Y/N: ok ill be there soon doll

Once we hung up, I was happy. Robbie and I haven't been intimate in a while. Its like he doesn't want me anymore. But that's when I met Y/N. I met her at one of scars party's. You see they're cousins. Robbie was on tour at the time and she looked after me and then it just progressed from there. We've been seeing eachother for over 8 months now. I was soon broken out of my thoughts when Y/N knocked.

"Hey." She said with that smile I love.

"Hey." I breathed as I grabbed her by her shirt and dragged her inside and kissed her hungrily. "I've missed you." I told her softly.

"I missed you too." She said as her fingers caressed my cheek as I leant into her touch.

"Shall we order some pizza?" I asked her which her smile grew wider.

"Yeah." She said then I grabbed her hand and dragged her over to the sofa. I ordered our pizza as she looked for a film. I groaned when she picked Oldboy.

"Why?" I asked her as I turned to face her.

"Because i like this film and young lizzie I cute." She said with a smirk as we ate our pizza.

"So you don't think I'm cute now?" I challenged her.

"No." She said making me frown. "I think your incredibly beautiful and sexy." She said as she looked in my eyes making me blush. I soon hid my face when the sex scene between josh brolin and I came on. I had soon looked down to see that she was getting hard to watching me have sex with other people so I decided to play on it.

"So you enjoy watching me have sex." I teased her as my hand stroked up her thigh.

"Yeah." She said shyly.

"So do you like watching it more than having sex with me." I asked her as my hand stroked over her growing bulge making her groan.

"No." She said as she turned to look at me. Her pupils had blown wide with lust as I smashed my lips on hers. She gripped my waist and moved me to straddle her lap. I gasped when I could feel her growing bulge on my clothed core. She slipped her tongue in my mouth exploring every inch making me moan into the kiss. I started to grind my hips on hers trying to gain some friction.

"I need you. Now." I whispered against her lips which I stood up and took off my underwear and she took her pants and boxers off. I pushed her back on the sofa as I climbed on top of her. Lowering myself on her hardened cock making us both moan. I started to thrust my hips as she held my waist keeping me steady. She met my thrusts roughly making me go wild. I could feel myself reaching my climax. "I'm going to cum." I moaned out as I continued my movements.

"Me too doll. Cum with me." She grunted as she went faster and harder. We both came at the same time. I rested my head on her shoulder regaining my composure before climbing off her. As I lay on her chest my phone went with a text off Robbie.

Robbie: I'm on my way home, I'm not sure if you're asleep or not but I'll be there in 30.

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