So Defiant (E.O)

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Requested by Weirdo4684467
Smut warning

Lizzie pov

I was waiting for Y/N to come home. She was flying home today from a business trip and I've missed her so much. I had cooked her favorite meal and wore her favourite dress of mine. She's been away for a couple of months and I've missed her like crazy.
Just as I was setting the table she walked in the front door in her favourite suit of hers. My heart stopped at the sight of her. It's unbelievable that we've been together for 3 years and she still has this effect on me.

"Hi sweetheart, you look absolutely gorgeous." She said as she walked over to me and pressed a soft kiss to my lips.

"God I've missed your lips." I whispered as we pulled apart.

"What else have you missed?" She asked as she pulled out my chair for me.

"I've missed you're hands, god can't forget you're arms." I said as she sat down next to me and rested her hand on my thigh close to my core. "I've missed you're touch most though." I breathed out as she moved her hand slowly upwards.

"Well let's eat." She said as her hand snaked it's way to my clothed core and applied pressure to my clit making my breath hitch in my throat.

"Fuck." I whispered as she removed her hand and started to eat like nothing happened. She's definitely getting punished tonight for teasing me. I quickly ate my dinner as she took her time. She knows what she's doing. Once she had finished she took our dishes into the kitchen and started to wash the dishes. I followed her and wrapped my arms around her waist and pushed my front up against her back. "Leave them baby, let's go upstairs." I requested softly.

"It's OK love. I won't be long." She said as she continued to wash up.

"Bedroom now." I demanded as I bit her neck.

"No." She said as she turned around to face me. Her eyes we darkened with lust as mine were. "I think it's cute that you're trying to be the dominant one here when we both know that you're more of the submissive type." She whispered against my lips before she turned back around to finish her task. "So get your sexy ass upstairs and strip for me."

I stayed stood in my spot determined to not break. I wanted to prove that she could be the submissive one. Once she had finished she dried her hands before turning around to see me still standing there.

"I told you to go upstairs." She said as she gripped my jaw.

"And I said no." I told her as I tried to tower over her which didn't really work since she's still taller than me even when I'm wearing my heels.

"You're going to regret that." She growled at me as I felt the wetness pool in my underwear.

"Am I?" I asked her with a smirk as she tutted.

"So defiant today aren't we." She stated as she started to suck harshly on my neck. I tried my hardest to not be a moaning mess to give her the satisfaction of winning. I pushed her against the other counter making her gasp. "Look we have ourselves a brave one." She said as she stared me down. I smashed my lips on hers as I pushed her jacket off her shoulders before I ripped open her shirt. "You are being brave." She said as she ripped the front of my dress making me gasp as she licked her lips at the sight of my lacey red bra that I know drives her wild before she smashed her lips back on mine in a rough hungry kiss as she pushed the dress off me. I pushed her back as I started to unbuckle her belt and took her pants off in one swift motion. Once we were both in our underwear we looked at eachother taking in the sight before we both started to walk over to the other meeting halfway kissing roughly. I licked her bottom lip for entrance which she denied with a squeeze of my ass making me moan giving her the opportunity to slide her tonight in my mouth. She picked me up making me squeal as she started to our room as she threw me on the bed. She hovered over me before I pulled her in for a bruising kiss as her hand reached behind my back and quickly removed my bra. She started to move her kisses down my neck sucking on my sweet spot making me moan. Then I remembered I wasn't going to give in this easily. I grabbed her hair and pulled her away harshly before turning us both over before I started to attack her neck removing her bra in the process. I moaned when I felt her thigh press against my core. My hips started to roll out of instinct, all dominance leaving me.

"Would you look at that. Not so defiant now are we." She said with a smirk as she gripped my hips stopping my movements making me whine before she flipped us both over. "You will always submit to me princess." She said as she kissed down my stomach as my breathing got heavier. She reached my underwear and removed them in one swift motion as she applied pressure to my clit with her tongue. I moaned loudly at the feeling.

"Y/N!!" I screamed as she slammed to fingers into my core pumping in and out at a fast pace while her free hand held my hips down. I was getting closer to my orgasm. "I'm so close." I breathed out as she kept her pace going. "Please can I cum." I begged her as she kept going faster.

"Cum for me love." She said softly as I came all over her fingers. She removed them and brought them up to my mouth. "Suck." She demanded as I took her fingers in my mouth sucking my juices off them. She moaned at the sight before she reached over to the night stand for the strapless strap. I hadn't noticed her take off her underwear as I heard her moan as she put the small end inside her core before she kissed up my body to my lips. The kiss was passionate but rough, I moaned as she inserted the strap inside me. She paused so I could get used to it before she started to slowly move her hips. My legs wrapped around her as my hands scratched down her back. Her movements started to get fast as she chased both of our orgasms. She sucked harshly on my nipples as she kept her pace. I could feel my orgasm coming.

"Im gonna cum baby." I breathed out as my nails dug in her skin.

"Me too love." She breathed as she continued to thrust faster and harder.

"Please can I cum." I begged her as she continued to fuck the life out of me.

"Cum with me love." She moaned as we both cake hard. I felt her cum mixing with mine on my core. She rested her head into the crook of my neck placing tender kisses. I whined when she pulled out and she threw the toy on the floor as we both gained our composure. "Always a pillow princess." She teased with a smile before she kissed me softly. She lay down beside me and I cuddled into her not wanting to let her go again.

"I love you baby." I said as I yawned.

"I love you more." She whispered as she pressed a kiss to my head making me smile as I got comfortable and slowly drifted off together.

I hope you guys enjoyed this one.

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