I Will Never Be Him Part 3 (E.O)

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Y/N pov

Lizzie had finished shooting Love and Death and we are back in LA. She has been staying with me because she doesn't want to go to the place that she had shared with him. Emma was also coming over tonight because I hadn't seen her since before leaving for Texas. So I was cooking dinner before she came.

"I'm gonna head out so you can have some privacy with Emma." Lizzie said as she walked in the kitchen.

"You don't have to Liz." I told her honestly.

"Yes I do. You haven't been alone with her for a long time." She told me which I just nodded.

"Where will you go?" I asked her worriedly.

"I'm going to my mums and I'll be back tomorrow." She said as she left the apartment. I went back to cooking dinner so it would be ready for when Emma came. Which soon came quickly.

"Hey babe." She greeted when she let herself in.

"Hey darling." I said with a soft smile as I accepted the kiss from her.

"It smells good in here." She said as she wrapped her arms around me.

"Hopefully it will taste just as good." I smirked.

"So how is Lizzie?" She asked me as we both sat down to eat.

"She's doing better." I said as I ate.

"That's good. When is she going back to her place?" She asked me making me look up at her.

"Why?" I asked her with furrowed brows.

"Because this is your apartment and we haven't really had any proper time alone together." She said in a duh tone.

"Well she can stay here as long as she needs." I told her sternly. "She has been through a lot and she doesn't need to be pressured into going back to a place she feels uncomfortable."

"But what about me? I'm your girlfriend not her." She said as she put her piercing gaze on me. "You don't think about what I need. It's always her."

"That's because she needs me right now. She is in a vulnerable place right now and I quite frankly don't need this from someone who is supposed to support me." I told her as I wiped my mouth with my napkin.

"Do you love her?" She asked me as she crossed her arms.

"Of course she is my best friend." I told her.

"Are you in love with her?" She asked me with sadness in her eyes. I just looked at her with sorrow in my eyes, unable to answer her. "Of course you are." She huffed as she stood up from her chair.

"Seriously Emma." I said as I followed her movements.

"Well are you?" She asked me again.

"Yes I am. I have been since we first met. But I will never have a chance with her and I will never tell her because I don't want to lose her." I told her as I ran my hands through my hair.

"Well you've lost me." She said as she picked up her bag and coat before placing my key on the small table by the door. I watched as she walked out without even glancing back at me. I know that I should feel awful but I don't. I feel some sort of relief. Like I'm actually free.

Lizzies pov

I was on my way home, well to Y/Ns from having dinner with my mum. Once I had let myself in the place was dark except for the TV playing some random show. I saw her stood over by the window just looking out.

"Hey Y/N." I said as I took off my shoes.

"Liz, you're back. How was it at your mums?" She asked as she turned around.

Elizabeth Olsen/Wanda Maximoff One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now