My Gardener (E.O)

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Requested by elxlizzie

Y/N pov

I have been working for Lizzie for quite some time now. She hired me as her gardener to keep her garden up to standard and she also asks me to fix some things sometimes. I enjoy working for her, she is honestly one of the sweetest humans on the planet. But the only downside is that when I am working in the hot sun, she likes to come out in just a bikini, one that her breasts will bounce out if theres a sudden movement. I have always found myself jerking off to the images that are implanted in my mind and moaning her name imagining her riding me.

But today was another one of those days. I was in the garden getting rid of the insects and the dead leaves. I heard a splash and then saw her come up above the water and move her hair from her face. The way the water droplets fall down her face and perfect physique. I have to physically stop myself from staring at her. She is just truly breathtaking.

"Hey Y/N, would you like a cold drink?" She asked as she stood behind me. I turned around and looked at her in all her sexy glory.

"Please." I squeaked before I coughed. "Yes please." I said with a tiny bit of dignity. She smiled at me before she headed inside to get our drinks. I took in a deep breath as I got back to work. She walked back out and handed me a ice cold lemonade. "Thank you." I told her softly with a smile as she looked at her plants.

"So when will the fruit be ready to pick?" She asked as she took a sip of her drink remaining eye contact

"Some will be ready soon but it all depends on the ripeness. If you get them too early or too far along it can effect the taste." I told her softly. I was quite proud that I wasn't a stuttering mess under her intense gaze.

"Well are you any good with plumbing?" She asked me softly.

"Yeah I know some things." I told her with a nod.

"Well I seem the have a blockage in my bathroom sink and the plumber can't get out until next week and I could really do with having the problem fixed now." She said as she led me to her en suite.

"Let me just get my tools out of my car." I told her.

"So you just carry every tool you might need in your car?" She smirked as I walked to the door.

"You never know when you will need them." I smirked as I walked backwards only to turn back around and walk straight into the door frame. "Fuck."

"Are you ok?" She laughed.

"Peachy. I'll be back in a minute." I told her as I internally died for making a fool out of myself infront of the most beautiful woman on the planet. Once I was back in the bathroom she was sat on the counter wearing a long thin oversized t shirt. My eyes lingered on her exposed collarbone before I cleared my throat to let her know that I was back.

"So you're like my very own Bob the Builder." She smirked as I got down on my knees and opened the cabinet. I got my wrench out and started to dismantle the u bend after I had place a container underneath to catch any water that may be blocked there with whatever gunk I would find. As I was working I could feel her stare on me.

"So can you fix it?" She smirked as she bent down to my level. I gulped as she rested her hand on my lower back.

"Yeah of course. I just need to snake the drain and find the cause of the problem." I said as I reached for the tool in question. I soon found the huge clump of hair that was stuck and removed it and made sure that the u bend was clean before I put it back securely. I tested the sink before I removed the bowl from under the counter just in case. "It's all working now. There was just this large amount of hair that had caused it to back up."

"Fucking Robbie. Of course." She growled when she noticed the colour and consistency of the hair. I clenched my jaw at the mention of her ex as I packed my tools away and threw away the hair.

"Well that's me done for the day, so I'll leave you to it." I smiled at her as I picked up my tool box ready to leave.

"Do you want any extra for the plumbing since I only pay you for taking care of my gardens." She asked me. Her piercing green eyes never leaving mine.

"No thank you." I smiled before I started to make my way to my car. "I'll see you on monday." I said as I stood at my door before getting in and headng home. I groaned because I could still feel her touch on me and couldn't help but wish that it was a more intimate touch. I craved her and she didn't know what she was doing to me.

The weekend went by like a blur. Iwas excited to see Lizzie again but extremely nervous at the same time. Once I let myself inside I couldn't see any sign of her so I decided to just go out to start on her garden. I was shocked to see her dressed in an oversized tshirt and joggers with a sun hat on with the pruners in her hand. She was concentrated on her task that she didn't hear me come in.

"So if you can garden, why did you hire me?" I asked as I stood behind her. I watched amused as she jumped at my presence before she stood up and faced me.

"You scared me Y/N." She smirked as she held her hand over her heart.

"Well let's take these from you before you do some harm killer." I smirked as I took the sharp object from her grasp over her chest. "So why did you hire me?" I asked her again as I placed the pruners on the ground beside her with her watching my every move.

"Well uh." She started as a blush covered her cheeks. As much as I love her confident side this is by far the most adorable I have seen her.

"Yeah?" I said as I stepped forward. I watched as she gulped at the closeness between us. I watched as she had an internal battle with herself before she stepped forward and pushed her lips on mine in a much needed kiss. I kissed back immediately as I held her waist. Sometime during the kiss her hat had fell off. I licked across her bottom lip for entrance and she parted her lips instantly. My tongue danced with hers sensually as we savoured the taste of each other. We pulled apart when air became a problem and rested my forehead against hers.

"I have always wanted to do that." She said breathlessly.

"Me too." I smiled at her.

"I really like you Y/N and that's why I hired you. I love gardening but when I saw you at my friends gardening for her I knew that I needed to know you. I had to know you." She said seriously.

"Well I'm happy you hired me because I really like you too and I would love to do this properly. Take you on dates and treat you like the queen you are." I told her seriously.

"I would love nothing more." She smiled before she pecked my lips and we both went to work on her garden enjoying each others company with smiles on our faces and stealing glances at each other.

A nice little fluffy one for you guys
I hope you enjoyed it.

What is one thing that you always take with you all the time?

Mine is my headphones and a notepad and pen. I cant live without my music and if I think of some sentence or phrase while I'm out I have to write it down.

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