We Never Argue (E.O)

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Y/N pov

When I came home from work this morning I saw my beautiful fiancé and scarlett both sitting in the sofa with some coffee. I had just come home from doing a night shift at the station and I am tired. I go into the kitchen to get myself a beer out of the fridge since technically its my evening now. I walk into the living room and sit down next I Lizzie.

"Hey baby." I said as I kissed her cheek.

"Hi love bug." She said as she pressed a gentle kiss to my lips.

"Oh hi Scar, it's so good to see you." Scarlett said sarcastically making both lizzie and I laugh.

"Oh hi Scar, would you like a welcome kiss too?" I teased her with a smirk which resulted in Lizzie playfully slapping my arm laughing. "So what brings you here?"

"Oh just Colin being an obnoxious twat. All we seem to do now is argue even over the smallest thing." She said as she took a sip of her coffee. "Anyway isn't it too early to be drinking. Its only 9am."
"Well I just finished work and I dont start my shift until 8pm tonight." I said taking a sip of my beer which she just nodded.

"How do you guys do it?" She asked us both as we just looked at each other.

"Do what?" Lizzie and I said in unison looking at Scarlett.

"You know, have the perfect relationship. I don't think I've ever known you to argue. Well lizzies never complained about you." Scar said as she looked between us.

"Well I don't know really." Lizzie said with a smile.

"I just guess we have a very strong understanding of each other. We both understand the importance of our jobs and we both try to put a lot of effort into our relationship." I said truthfully.

"I don't follow." Scar said making me chuckle.

"Well, I know pretty much all of her tells, like of she's irritated at something so I just tend to give her her favourite anchovies on toast. It always makes her feel better even if it does taste horrible." I said with a smile.

"It doesn't taste horrible." Lizzie said with a small pout.

"Well each to their own I guess." I said as I gave her a sweet kiss making her smile.

"See that right there. It was like a little disagreement. If you didn't watch that whole interaction with you two you wouldn't have thought you dissed her favourite snack." Scar said as she slightly bounced in her seat.

"I just guess we can't argue." Lizzie said with a shrug.

"That's sickening." Scar said with a scowl making us both laugh. "How about we make it a threesome?" She said jokingly.

"I think im good. I have the woman I need right here." I said as I looked at lizzie.

"Well I'm going home because I can't stand to be in the same room as you're perfect relationship anymore." She said with a huff. "Well I'll see you guys later." We both watched as she walked herself out of our house.

"Do you think it's normal that we never argue?" Lizzie asked as she turned to face me

"Yeah, I guess. I just like to think that we're soul mates." I told her as I finished my beer. "Well I'm going to get a shower and sleep OK baby." I gave her a soft kiss before heading up to our bathroom.

Lizzie's pov

I just watched as my fiancé walked upstairs to our room. Is it normal that we don't argue. I just dont really know. Pretty much every couple I know argue at least 5 times in their relationship but we haven't argued once. So I got the crazy idea that when she goes to work tonight I'm going to do some things to try and cause an argument for when she comes home tomorrow. So for the rest of the day I plotted in my head what I could do to make her mad. So I decided to hide away all of her beer out of the fridge in the cupboard under the stairs knowing that will be the first thing she will go for in the morning. As I was running around like a mad woman I didn't hear Scar make her way into our house.

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