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Requested by heyitsjaceyy

Lizzie's pov

I was starting pottery lessons today and I was quite nervous. I remember someone telling how calming it be so I thought it would be good. When I had walked into the workshop I had noticed that there was only a few people here so I took a stool before the lesson started.

"Ok, we've got some new people here. For those of you who don't already know me I'm Y/N. I'll be teaching you the art of pottery." They started off with a gorgeous smile. I couldn't take my eyes off them. "If you end up asking why I decided on teaching pottery, well it definitely isn't because of Ghost because I hate that film." She said making everyone laugh. "So if you could get yourselves your aprons from the back and then take your places. Thank you." I had honestly never met anyone who was like such a breath of fresh air. The lesson started of smoothly as everyone was silently concentrating as she walked around observing everyone. Then we she came closer to me she knelt behind me.

"You need to be gentle with it. Feel the shape you want, visualise it and then gently form it with your hands." She said softly in my ear as her hands gently hovered over mine. I was a blushing mess. I did what she had said. "See just like that." She said before she stood up and walked onto the next person. I could feel my heart beat out of my chest. I shouldn't feel this way about anyone else other than Robbie right. The lesson went on smoothly as she put our projects into the kiln as we all left. I stayed back having the urge to talk to her.

"You do know you can go home." She said with a chuckle.

"Yeah I know. I just wanted to see if you wanted to get a coffee." I asked her shyly which she just smiled that goddamn smile.

"Yeah, I'm free now if you want." She said softly as she picked up her bag.

"Yeah, I know a nice little spot around here." I said as we both walked out of the room. As soon as we had ordered we both sat down together and started talking. "Why did you get into pottery?"

"Well I've always been hands on, I love to create things with my hands. O even rebuilt a 1967 impala with my dad when I was younger and since then I've always loved to find out what else I could do with my hands." She said with a soft smile.

"Wow. I never thought of it like that." I said as I was completely taken aback by her answer

"So what is it that you do?" She asked as she sat back in her chair

"I'm an actress." I told her softly. "I'm currently in between projects so I decided to take some lessons. I enjoy learning new things."

"That's amazing, so what is you're name? I completely forgot to ask and you could be a serial killer or something." She said with grin.

"Oh it Elizabeth but you can call me Lizzie." I told her with a wide smile. We spent the rest of our time together just talking and laughing until we both went our separate ways. Once I had walked in I was greeted by Robbie.

"Hey, was your lesson?" He asked softly with a smile

"It was great, I really enjoyed it." I told him before he gave me a soft kiss. I honestly didn't feel anything with that kiss and I'm supposed to love him. "I'm gonna make some food." I told him as I went to the kitchen.

The next few lessons that I had with her only made me fall for her more. I couldn't explain the feeling I get when I'm around her. I felt bad for feeling this way because it wasn't fair to Robbie. But Y/N makes me feel like i can just be me around her. There's no acting or putting up a front it's just me. Once everyone had left again I stayed back to talk to her again.

"Hey Lizzie. You're doing well with these lessons, you can almost take my job from me." She told me with her big smile making me blush.

"Thank you." I said shyly.

"Are you OK?" She asked me, I don't know how she does it but she always knows when something is on my mind.

"I don't know. I've had these feelings for someone but I'm in a relationship with someone else." I told her as I looked at the ground.

"Well how do you feel about your other half?" She asked me softly.

"I uh I don't know anymore. I did think I loved him but now I don't know since I met this other person." I told her as I looked up at her.

"I say before you do anything you might regret, you need to think about what's going on in that pretty head of yours." She told me with a smile.

"I uh I guess you're right." I said timidly.

"Ok, well if you need anything here's my number." She said as she handed me a piece of paper. "Just call anytime if you need to talk."

"Thank you." I whispered as I looked up in her eyes. Her eyes were a beautiful shade of blue. I didn't know what was happening until our lips met in a soft passionate kiss.

"I'm sorry, that's very unprofessional of me." She said as she stepped back.

"No I'm sorry. I uh I have got to go." I said as I walked out of the room. Then i realised I had left my bag there so I had to go back. Once I was in there I saw her with her back to me, the door opening startled her. "I forgot my bag." I told her as I picked it up while she just watched me intently. I can't really explain what she makes me feel but I was drawn to her. My body had a mind of its own and I walked back up to her and wrapped my hands around her neck and kissed her hard. Her hands moved to my hips and pushed me further into her. When she squeezed my hips I gasped giving her the opportunity to push her tongue in my mouth. We both moaned as our lips danced together in unison. Her hands moved to my stomach under my shirt as she pulled away.

"This is wrong." She said softly while I just nodded. "But why does it feel right." She said before she kissed me again and pushed me up against the wall making me gasp. I gripped her hand and moved it to my centre which she caught on to what I wanted. "Are you sure?" She asked as her hand remained over my clothed core

"Yes." I breathed out as she put her hand in my pants and rubbed my clit through my underwear. I rested my head on shoulder as she continued to apply pressure. "More." I moaned out as she pushed my underwear aside and her fingers ran through my folds.

"God your so wet baby girl." She moaned out as I revelled in the pet name. She started to thrust her finger while her thumb applied pressure to my bundle of nerves. I was a moaning mess against the wall. I let out a guttural moan when she pushed a second finger in making me bite down on her shoulder to muffle my moans. I could feel myself getting closer to my orgasm.

"I'm close." I breathed out as she curled her fingers hitting my g spot every time.

"Let go." She breathed in my ear as my orgasm washed over me as I came all over her fingers. I took her fingers and sucked them clean as I kept eye contact. Once she had fastened my pants and helped fix myself she spoke. "You need to decide what you want before this could happen again." She whispered against my lips which now I had a choice to make and I didn't know how I was going to do it.

Don't worry guys there will be a part 2
I hope you guys enjoyed it 😊

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