You're Perfect (E.O)

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Story requested by @darkandtwistedmind20
⚠️ history of eating disorder and depression.

Y/N pov

I was getting ready for an interview today with Lizzie, Paul and Aaron being the new cast members for AOU. We were all stood waiting backstage ready to go on.

"Please welcome our special guests Elizabeth Olsen, Y/N Y/L/N, Aaron Taylor Johnson and Paul Bettany." The host said as we all walked on one by one. The interviewer asked questions about the movie and each character which we couldn't really answer properly because of, well of course its marvel. Then they started with the personal questions.

"So Y/N, do you exercise to try and keep in shape for the movie?" They asked me as I started to bounce my leg up and down.

"Yes I have a strict fitness routine. It's always good to work out not just for your physical health but also your mental health." I told them honestly.

"Well, we have some pictures of you from the last two years and it seems that you've put on a but of weight from then." They said as a picture came on from when I was trying to get over my eating disorder. That was before I had gotten with lizzie. I started to really feel anxious now, I started fiddling withy hands.

"Well I uh." I tried before Lizzie cut in.

"I don't think that's an appropriate topic." Lizzie said as she glared at them. "It's sexist. You wouldn't do that to Paul or Aaron."

I decided I had had enough of this interview so I got up and left. I was sat outside the venue in the alley behind the building. I had always suffered with severe depression and eating disorder. I had not long started to try and work on it. No one other than my sister knows about it. I hadn't really told lizzie about it, I am too afraid that she wouldn't want to be with me.

Lizzie's pov

I watched as Y/N walked out of the interview as Paul and Aaron started to have a go at the interview for the insensitive topic. As soon as we all went back stage I looked around to try and see my girlfriend who is no where to be found.

"Do you think she's OK?" Paul asked softly.

"I don't know. It seemed like it was a touchy subject." I said with a sad sigh as I ran my hands through my hair. I decided to ask one of the crew if they had saw her and they pointed to one of the side doors. As soon as I walked outside, my heart broke at the sight of her. I quickly walked over and pulled her in for a hug. Which she soon started to breakdown. I don't know how long we were sat out here for before she calmed down.

"I'm sorry." She said as she wiped her tear stained cheeks.

"Why?" I asked her softly.

"For being a mess." She said with a chuckle.

"Well, let's go and get something to eat. Paul and Aaron are waiting for us both." I said softly as we both stood up.

"It's OK. I'm just gonna go home, I'm not really that hungry." She told me with a sad smile.

"Do you want me to come with you?" I asked her with a small smile.

"No its fine. You go and have fun with the guys." She said as she gave me a soft kiss. We both walked back in to the guys so she could say her goodbyes to them before she left the three of us.

"How was she?" Aaron asked as we all looked where she disappeared.

"I don't know to be honest. She didn't say much." I said sadly. I was concerned about her. That interview seemed to have just attacked her.

It's been almost 3 weeks since I have spoke or seen Y/N. When I text her to see if she's OK, she just messages an I'm fine. To be honest I'm really worried about her. She's never distanced herself like this. There hasn't even been any articles about her either so it's like she's locked herself away from everyone including me. So I decided that I'm going to go and see her and find out what's wrong. As soon as I pulled up outside her house I noticed that there is another car that I don't recognise. I knock on the door expecting to see my girlfriend answer but instead I'm greeted by another woman I don't recognise.

"Hi, can I help you?" She asked me.

"Hi, is Y/N here?" I asked clearly angry thinking that she could cheat on me.

"Yeah she's just in the shower. Who are you?" She asked me making me even more pissed off.

"I'm Lizzie, her girlfriend." I said bluntly.

"Oh hi, I'm Melissa." She said as she let me in. "I'm Y/Ns sister."

Oh that makes sense. I'm getting jealous over nothing.

"Is she OK. She hasn't really spoke to me properly for 3 weeks since the interview." I told her as we both sat down.

"I think she should really tell you why she's been distant. It's not really my place." She said making me confused.

"Lizzie?" Y/N said before I could answer.

"Baby, I was worried about you." I said as I noticed that she had bags under her eyes and looked pale.

"Well I'm going to go to my room." Melissa said as she walked upstairs.

"What's going on?" I asked her as she sat down at the opposite end of the sofa.

"I uh I don't know how to say it." She said as she avoided my eyes.

"Just take your time baby?" I told her as I moved closer to her taking her hands in mine.

"Well uh, before I met you I used to have a problem." She said quietly just looking at our hands.

"What kind of a problem?" I asked her softly.

"I uh was really bad. I was diagnosed with severe depression. I would starve myself for days, the only time I would eat would be little bites of a meal if I was out with people." She said as she took a shaky breath. "And that picture that was shown on the interview was from when I was at my lowest. I never really talked to people. Melissa only found out when she came to visit me for a week. She then pushed me to get help. Which I did because it hurt her to see me like that. So I got better for her and myself. I felt better and then I met you and everything started to fall into place. I was the happiest I had been in a long time." She said as she wiped her tears. "I'm sorry for practically ignoring you these past three weeks, I started to go back into that dark place I was in so I called Mel to come and stay with me so I didn't do anything stupid."

I had tears of my own falling down my cheeks as I pulled her in for a hug.

"Please, if you ever feel like that again, talk to me please." I told her as she sobbed into my chest.

"I'm sorry. I thought that if you knew you wouldn't want to be with me and all my crazy." She said as she finally looked at me.

"Hey, you are perfect to me ok. Don't ever think that I would leave you because of your depression or past eating disorder. I love you no matter what and more for being open with me." I told her as I cupped her face wiping her tears away.

"Thank you Lizzie. I don't know where I'd be without you. I love you so much." She said as she pressed a soft kiss to my lips.

"Well why don't we have a movie night with your sister. It is the first time that I've met her and I thought she was your little whore." I told her which she giggled.

"Yeah that sounds great actually. Why don't you get changed into some of my comfy clothes and I'll get Mel." She said as she lead me upstairs to her room.

I was happy that she felt safe enough to confide in me. And I hope that we get to spend the rest of our lives together.


Wow 2 updates in one day. I'm on a roll. I know this one is shorter than usual but hope you guys enjoy.

Also if you ever need anyone to talk to I'm always here 💓

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