Movie Night (E.O x S.J)

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Requested by Weirdo4684467
Smut warning ⚠️
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Y/N pov

Im currently sat in Lizzie's with both Scar and Lizzie. Since I joined the cast to play Tony Starks daughter they both took me under their wing. To be honest I've always had a crush on them both not to mention there's a huge age difference. There both in their 30s while I'm newly 21. We were having a movie night so all three of us were sat on the sofa under a blanket. They decided on fifty shades, I don't know why they chose this film but a steamy scene comes on and I can't help the bulge growing in my pants. I glanced either side of me and saw they both wore similar smirks while I gulped. I honestly didn't know what was happening until I felt a hand on my thigh.

It was Lizzie's hand. Oh my fucking god. This couldn't get anymore embarrassing, I'm watching an erotic movie with the two most beautiful women either side of me. I need to think of something else to get rid of my boner.

Dead puppies. Dead puppies. Dead puppies.

Yup that's not working, especially when Lizzie hand is slowly moving up towards my bulge. I look over to find her already looking straight at me with a mischievous smirk. I visibly gulped when her hand palmed my hardened cock. She smashed her lips on mine swallowing the moan that would've left my mouth as she reached her hand inside my shorts and boxers wrapping her hand around my cock starting to slowly jerk me off. I jumped when I felt another pair of lips attack my neck. They both yanked my bottoms of when Lizzie went back to jerking me off. Then Scar took off my top and sports bra as Lizzie got on her knees in front of me and started to suck. I was in literal heaven. Scar kissed me hungrily as Lizzie continued to work wonders with her mouth. My lips didn't want to work with the pleasure I was getting from a certain dirty blonde. It didn't take long for me to come in her mouth as she swallowed every last bit. Lizzie then pulled me in for a rough passionate kiss allowing me to taste myself on her.

"You taste amazing." She said seductively against my lips. I moaned when she nibbled on my bottom lip. I saw in the corner of my eye that Scarlett had already stripped herself so I pulled Lizzie up with me. I pulled her t shirt up over her head and dropped it before I wrapped my arms around her as I unclipped her bra and set her bouncy breasts free. My mouth watered at the sight of them. We heard moans coming from Scar who was sat watching the two of while fingering herself and massaging her breasts. I slowly dragged my fingers, slightly scratching down her stomach to her joggers. I pulled her closer to me by the waistband of her joggers before swiftly pulling them down with her underwear. Once she stepped out of them she kissed me hungrily as she pushed back to sit on her sofa. She then lined herself up on my hard cock before lowering herself making us both moan.

"What about a condom?" I asked not sure I want any sort of responsibility at my age.

"I'm on the pill." Lizzie breathed out as she started to bounce on my hard cock making us both moan louder as Scar watched us both while pleasuring herself. I barely heard Scar say that she was also on the pill. I took one of Lizzies nipples in my mouth sucking harshly, surely leaving a mark while massaging the other. I switched over breasts giving them both the same attention.
"Cum with me." She moaned as she smashed her lips to mine in a sloppy kiss. She came down my cock while I filled her up both us swallowing each others moans. I helped her off my lap before she lead both Scar and I to her bedroom. Scar pushed me on the bed on my back as she straddled my lap while Lizzie hovered above my head as I could see the wetness of her pussy. I grew harder when they both leaned over and kissed each other passionately making me moan. I grabbed Lizzie's thighs lowering her down on my face. I felt Scar lower herself down on my hardened cock, all three of our moans filling the room. I moved my hips meeting her thrusts as I dipped my tongue in Lizzies core frantically as she rode my face. I felt myself getting closer. I heard Lizzies guttural moan as she came in my mouth as I cleaned her up before she got off me and leaned down and kissed me passionately. I felt scar cum all over my cock while I filled her up having Lizzie swallow my moans. Scar lifted herself off me and lay on the bed next to me as she tried to get her composure. I watched as Lizzie got on her knees with her ass in the air, knees either side of her legs. I watched as she started to lick up Scars folds making her moan loudly due to her being sensitive. I walked up behind Lizzie and inserted myself in her making her moan, sending vibrations through Scarletts core. It didn't take Scar to come undone same as Lizzie. But I kept thrusting in her chasing down my orgasm. I wrapped my arm around her chest pulling her back flush against my front as I pounded in her battered cunt. Scar started to play with Lizzie's clit and kissed her roughly. I was getting close as I went faster.

"Cum with me princess." I whispered in her ear making her moan sending us both over the edge. I helped her ride out her high before we all lay down with them in either side of me with their heads on my shoulders.
"That was amazing." I breathed out making them both laugh.

"Yeah, I don't think I can walk." Lizzie laughed out.

"Definitely the best sex I've ever had." Scar said as Lizzie agreed eagerly with her.

"Definitely a dream come true." I said before we all slowly fell into our slumber.


It's my first time writing for a threesome so don't be afraid to let us know what you think.
Hope you guys enjoyed it

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