I Blame You Part 3

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Requested by razer26

Y/N pov

It's been a month since I've been home. Well if you can call it that. Lizzie has tried her best to try and fix things between us. Don't get me wrong, I would love nothing more than to forgive her but I just can't right now. I was coming downstairs from my studio when I overheard Lizzie's conversation with her sisters.

"Why haven't you told her yet Liz?" Ashley asked her.

"I don't know. I'm just so scared to tell her. I don't know how she will react." She told them so I decided to make myself known.

"How I will react to what?" I asked startling all three of them.

"Lizzie needs to tell you what really happened between her and Robbie." MK said earning a glare from Lizzie.

"Ok then. What really happened?" I asked her with my arms crossed watching her every move.

"I didn't cheat on you with Robbie. I got drunk, really drunk with everyone   and he told Kelly that he would look after me. He uh he had hardly drank so he was pretty much sober. He took me to his hotel room and, he uh he." She stuttered out as the tears started to fall down her face.

"What did he do?" I asked her feeling my anger rise.

"He uh he took advantage of me. I wasn't in any state to even consent to him. When I woke up the next morning I quickly ran out of his room and ran straight to the one person I could trust there. I ran to Kelly who told me to tell you. But i was scared of what you would do." She sniffled as her sisters hugged her.

"Is he here in LA?" I asked her which she nodded. I decided to talk to Graham, he's his band mate and we've known each other since college. I got his address before I left the house abruptly. I found myself knocking on his door.

"Hey Y/N right?" He greeted with a smile.

"Yeah that's me. Can I come in?" I asked him nonchalantly.

"Oh yeah sure. I'm a big fan of yours." He said as he shut the door while I just nodded.

"I'm not here to talk about me. I'm here to talk about you and my wife." I told him bluntly.

"What do you mean. I don't even know who your wife is." He said harshly.

"Oh I'm sure you do since you've been quite up close and personal with her before." I told him as I walked around his living room not taking my eyes off him.

"What do you mean?" He asked acting dumb

"In Hawaii almost 2 years ago." I told him as I stopped walking.

"How do you know I was in Hawaii?" He asked me with a raised brow.

"You see I recently found out that you took advantage of her in a vulnerable state." I told him as I walked closer to him.

"She was drunk she brought it on herself. She was asking for it." He said with a smirk.

"She was in no state to consent to what you did to her. Do you know the stress it has put on her. On our marriage." I said as I grabbed him by the scruff of his collar.

"Well that's not my problem is it." He smirked.

"Yes it is when you're the one who caused it." I shouted at him as I punched him square in the nose making him bleed. "You took advantage of her. You ruined everything for the both of us." I shouted as I continued to punch him. I didn't care about the damage i was causing. All I wanted was for him to pay for what he did to her.

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