PR Relationships (E.O)

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Lizzie and I have been together since we where in high school. We went all the way through college together. Our relationship going strong since the paps don't know about us. We wanted to keep our relationship on the down low since lizzie wants to protect me from all of the negativity you can get from the public. I proposed to her in our senior year of college and we have yet to start organising our wedding. So I am currently cooking us both some dinner while I wait for her to come home.

"Hey baby, I'm home." She said as she walked into the kitchen.

"Hey darling, how was the meeting?" I asked her as I plated up our dinner and brought it to the table were i had already put our drinks.

"It was ok, but I have to tell you something." She said as she played with her food on her plate.

"What is it?" I asked her as I set my cutlery down

"Well my team think that it's in the best interest of my career of I get into a PR relationship with someone from Milo Greene. I think it's Robbie Arnett." She said which made me lose my appetite. She watched as I took a large swig of my beer almost finishing the bottle. "It's all on in the public, my team know about us and in time we will stage a break up. Our teams have come together and formed a contract."

"Yeah OK, as long as you don't do anything with him." I told her as I stood up to get myself another beer.

"I hate this idea as much as you do, but you want your music career to take off on its own without people thinking you only got famous because of me." She said which only made my blood boil.

"I never thought you would bring that up. I haven't written anything in almost a year incase you haven't noticed. My guitar has collected dust in the corner and is more than likely out of tune. I gave up because I'm getting no where. No one wants to sign me. But you'll be fine with Mr successful musician." I said as I grabbed my shoes and coat.

"Hey, I never meant it the way it came across. You're the one person that I don't want to hurt. You've supported me through everything and I thought that you would understand that this is for work." She said as she slammed the door shut. "I never chose this."

"But you could always say no. Isn't that what you always say. No is a full sentence." I seethed.

"Dont use my words against me. You know this is different." She said as she pointed her finger at me.

"How is this different. Even with work you have a choice. We have free will or is it that you've realised that you don't want me anymore. Because if that's the case then you may as well tell me now." I said as my eyes started to gloss over.

"This is to save my career. We will break up somewhere down the line and then when we're both ready we will get married. We will have our happy ending." She said as she cupped my cheeks while all I could do was nod. She took my hand and lead me into the living room and we sat down as she lay my head in her lap. She ran her hands through my hair. Maybe this could work out the way its supposed to be. We will get our happy ending.

Over the year, it only got worse. I had to watch as they flaunted their fake relationship to the public. The worst part is that she had met his family and something is telling me that this is all real to him. I can see it by the way he looks at her because it's the same way I look at her. She has spent more nights away from me and I feel like I am slowly losing her. I can feel my heart break little by little and it sucks. He's even met her family and they have hardly bothered with me anymore. It's like I've been forgotten by everyone. I had already had my bag packed ready for when she fucks up which I will know will happen. As I was sat drinking my whiskey on the sofa she walked in.

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